Stress More, Eat More, Weigh More

Get Rid of the Stress Mess
You want more? Stress more. You want less? Stress less.
I need to emphasize the effects of stress in excess weight gain because stress is among the top causes of obesity, not eating. Stress is what makes the balancing act of the body go berserk so that you store more fat than you eliminate, you store more fat than you need. Without the stress factor, your body will just do everything in balance--take what it needs and trash what it doesn't.
Stress causes overeating. Now, overeating is a culprit but it happens because of stress. Some misinterpret this altogether and think eating makes them fat. So they eat less. But the stress stays on, and they wonder why they keep getting bigger despite their strict, punishing diets. Do you realize that even with so little food left in your rigid diet, stress can still make you fat?
Because for sure, sooner or later, you're going to break lose from that strict diet of yours and steal food. And that opens the Pandora's Box, lets lose all the fattening demons imaginable, and soon you're back to your overeating habit before you know it--and you just see yourself out of control. Without stress, it's okay to give yourself a treat now and then, eat your favorite fatty food dishes for one meal. But with stress?
Diet and fitness gurus sometimes allow their clients to feast on certain days, like once a week, and that for just a meal. It's okay, as long as you go back to the slimming routine the next day. And some people can manage that--especially the fitness gurus, because they understand that effects of too much stress. Without stress, you easily return to the discipline.
But stress throws discipline out the window because it seeks release through an outlet--and often the outlet is gluttony--if not fits of anger, then shopping or eating--or all of the above. Familiar? Worse, stress wrecks the balancing act of the body, especially the fat burning aspect. So you can't stop eating and your body can't stop storing fat.
Well, stress sometimes also burns too much fat. It results to either this or slow metabolism. Stress can make you lose your appetite and make your body burn fat fast. This surely leads to weight loss, but the kind that wrecks health and makes you look old and miserable--the kind you surely won't like. Between the two, I'd rather be fat.
Just remember--stress more, eat more, weigh more. But stress less, eat less, weight less.
To stress less, consider the following:
  • Don't take things too seriously.
  • Look for something to laugh about.
  • Don't let anything or anyone upset or irritate you.
  • Don't be offended. Don't take anything personal even if it's personal.
  • Even if you have to work harder, enjoy your work.
  • Try to look for a way to enjoy even folks you don't enjoy being with.
  • Get enough rest and sleep.
  • Drink lots of water--and enjoy doing it.
  • Eat delicious healthy foods. 
  • Read lots of good books.
  • Enjoy your family.
  • Last but not least, have an enjoyable relationship with God.

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