Why Non-Acidic Vitamin C Mega Dose?

First thing, when I say "mega dose," I don't mean taking 50 or 100 capsules a day--unless you have a dead serious disease and a Vital-C medical doctor advises you to do so. A reasonable mega dose is 3, 5 or 9 capsules a day. I recommend 5, and this is why.

You need non-acidic Vitamin C for 3 vital things:

1. Immune defense for battling present harms. Ailments in your body do not always show up on time. They often show up late when things are serious, sometimes hopeless, especially if you don't regularly have check ups.  But fact is, harmful elements daily attack our health:
  • Free radicals from the sun, radiation, and stress.
  • Carcinogens from what we eat (food treated with chemicals, even "fresh" fruits and vegetables).
  • Toxins from our air, food, and drinks. 
2. Immune defense for battling past harms. While our immune system deals with present harms attacking us, it still has to deal with past harms that have long been in our bodies. Toxins often lodge deep into our body systems and organs and have been there for years. They cannot be simply washed away with one stroke.

3. Immune defense for future harms. While battling past and present harms, our immune system must have buffer defense to prepare for future attacks against our health. And harmful elements, like virus and toxins, get worse by the day. Our immune system needs all the help it can get. Enough daily doses of non-acidic Vitamin C, like Vital-C, helps a lot here.

Now, all the above cannot be remedied with just a one-capsule-a-day dose of non-acidic Vitamin C. Your one capsule of 500 mg may not even be able to remedy past harms already inside your body. The way it looks, not even a twice-a-day dose would suffice. What more if you are already sick?

Now remember, non-acidic Vitamin C is vital for weight loss (metabolism) and for keeping up with your slimming workouts without getting sick.

A one-capsule-a-day dose is good if:
  • You are super healthy
  • Your body has balanced homeostasis all the time.
  • You live in an environment free from pollution, chemicals, and toxins.
  • Free from stress.
  • Eat organic food.
If you're not like the above, then a capsule a day of non-acidic Vitamin C is not enough for you. You need to take at least 3 to 5 times a day. Anyway, there's no overdose with sodium ascorbate Vitamin C. Anything in excess just goes out with your urine and perspiration.

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