What's Worse than Fatty Food? (Fatty Life)

We have to watch out our intake of fatty food. However, fatty food isn't our worse nightmare health-wise. You know what is? You guessed it--"fatty life."

What's a "fatty life"? It's a life surrounded (or clogged) by stuff we call "good things" in life--entertainment, material possessions, night life, noisy parties or music, ego-tripping, self-importance, things that make us popular or recognized or appreciated, competition or proving ourselves better than the rest, and the like. These things "fatten" us up emotionally and mentally and destroy us.

If fatty food gives us unhealthy fat deposits around the waist, in the blood vessels, and around internal organs so that we risk getting deadly cardiovascular and blood pressure ailments (even diabetes), a fatty life also endangers the seldom noticed psychological and emotional "debilitating" diseases that rot human character like gangrene.

Factors that contribute to a fatty life--the "good things" mentioned above--are all sweet and delicious to the ego taste buds. These are psychological fatty and carbo diets that "bloat" us and store unneeded fat in our minds and emotions so that we have conceited images of ourselves and eventually make us arrogant and boastful of our "achievements." We often see this in "successful" network marketers and networking companies. And there seems to be no supplement to remedy this.

Worse, people afflicted often do not notice this and so are those who admire them.

A fat guy who loves eating, I can stand. But a guy with a fatty life? That's why a lot of health supplement companies doing network marketing suffer downtrends in sales sooner or later because people get tired of their ego-bloating images. So remember--the effects of fatty food can be good business but the effects of a fatty life kills it.

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