Earn Pairing Bonus from Only One Side of Your Account

The problem with most binary pairing bonus systems is what happens when only one side of your network has activity. Pairing bonus gives you cash bonus if you get a pair--one account to the left and one account to the right. But in most cases, only one side gets filled up, leaving you with zero binary earnings.

But the Vital-C binary system is different. The company gives you pairing bonuses even if only one side of your network is working--as long as that side makes pairs left and right.

You still earn pairing bonuses even if only one side of
your network (the left side in the illustration above)
is getting filled up with referrals.

I remember one network marketing business I had where a woman had about 100 referrals on her left side but zero referrals on her right side. Her left side kept growing but she never got any cash bonus from it, until she quit. Well, that's not going to happen in your Vital-C network. One side that gets paired referrals will give you cash bonuses. See the picture above.

Your left side waits for the right side to get referrals. While the right is still empty, your left side referrals won't be forfeited no matter how long it takes for your right side to get referrals. Once they do, you earn pairing bonuses as your right referrals pair with the waiting left referrals. You never lose anything with the Vital-C business.

So, if you got only one referral immediately below you, and that one referral happens to produce a lot of referrals under it, you start earning bonuses while you work out your weak right side. But don't be tempted getting contented with only one side working for you. You will be forfeiting yourself of big earning potentials. So work hard to fill up your right side. Remember, the more referrals you personally make, the bigger income you have, and the more chances of hitting other company perks.

With our quality and effective products plus hybrid bonus system, it's easy to invite people to do the business with you. If you carefully do your prospecting and presentation to get quality referrals or business partners under you who'd really do the business diligently, all you need are two quality referrals. And if all of them each get 2 quality referrals under them, your network marketing business is ready to take off.

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