Inactivity Stress Can Increase Toxins in You

Inactivity stress--or stress you get from being inactive--can increase toxins in your body. For instance, you're watching TV all day, you're in front of your PC all day, you're attending a seminar all day, you're on a plane for long hours, or you're sitting in the office or business place all day. This inactivity is stressful and can up your toxin levels to the max.

When you're under unhealthy stress, harmful chemical reactions happen in your body. Toxins are later produced, adding to other toxins that find their way into your body from outside sources like cigarette smoke and liquor. Your body become susceptible to toxins introduced from the outside because your immune system is down. You have to detoxify while under stress.

Inactivity stress can also increase acidity in your body, and that is one way your toxin levels also increase. As your body succumbs to stress, your uric acid levels may also go up. Plus, free radical damage also makes an easy target of your body systems. So add all the above and you get an idea why toxins in your body increase as you suffer inactivity stress.

So what do you do? Exercise? Exercise is good, but make sure you enjoy doing it. If not, the stress will just make matters worse. If you find yourself dormant, do some simple exercises that can make you feel better, not worse. If you can, take a long walk and deep-breathe. If not, do the exercises I recommended in one article on exercises you can do while in a long seminar.

Best of all, take Vital-C non-acidic Vitamin C. When you find yourself with no choice but to be inactive for long periods, take 2 to 3 Vital-C just before the event. It's pure alkaline and also boosts the immune system. Then you may take a capsule in the middle of the event, then 2 more when it ends. Remember, stress like that is not to be taken lightly. A lot of people don't take stress seriously so they suffer for it later.

Unhealthy stress is a health risk. Make sure to always do counter measures, like taking Vital-C.

Again, what does stress do to you? I give you added infos:

1. Makes you gain more weight.
2. Weakens your immune defense. So, if you're in a seminar and some folks around you sneeze or cough and the virus gets circulated through the air-conditioning system, you easily catch it.
3. Affects your mood.
4. Gets in the way of better brain functions.
5. May affect your family life when you get home after the seminar.
6. May affect your test result if there is an exam after the seminar.
7. May trigger migraine and spoil your seminar experience.

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