Fitness During a Long Seminar

How do you do fitness during a long seminar like what I attended the past 3 days? I was in a Sun Life training seminar for 3 whole days and you know how seminars are--you do nothing but sit and listen all day. And I did just that. So, I was thinking, how do I keep up with my fitness goals--remember, it's not enough to just workout in the morning and remain idle the rest of the day.

How do you do some quick exercises without missing the lectures? So, what I did was to do isometrics. Isometrics can firm up your muscles, stretch your limbs, help with deep breathing, and liven up your blood circulation which you need during seminars. Right in your seat, as you're intently listening to the lectures, you can do isometrics. Here are some tips:

1. Pressing Fingers against Each Other

Now and then, press the tips of your right fingers against your left fingers--and do it with all your might, making sure your arm, shoulder, chest, and ab muscles are flexing hard. This works for my finger strength when doing finger jabs in my martial arts training, but this can also benefit you during a long seminar to condition your body and at least effect a "snack" workout--a short workout you take now and then like a snack. This exercise is also good when you're typing on your desktop all day.

2. Pressing Your Palms against Each Other

Next is to press your left and right palms against each other as hard as you can. Do it with your palms right in front of you chest, but you may also extend your arms in front or to the sides as you do this. I like putting my hands right above my head as I press my palms hard against each other. I feel my upper body muscles strengthened and my abs firmed up. And after the exercise, I feel more relaxed.

3. Push-Ups on Your Seat

Push-ups on your seat? Really? Yes. Hold on to the sides of the seat and try to lift yourself up from it, with your feet on tip-toe. Do it now and then. You may even try to extend your feet to the front a bit.

4. Leg Push

As you're seated, push one foot against the floor as hard as you can. Do it several times. A variation is, push the arcs of your feet against each other as hard as you can. Do it several times.

5. Walk Out

Better yet, leave the room a while and walk out--not in protest--but just to take a brisk-walking break. Go outside to a corridor or sidewalk and walk fast to and from. That should perk up the blood circulation and normalize your body system.

And yes, remember to drink water regularly during the seminar. Water keeps your body systems smooth flowing, and especially your brain doing a good job. And never forget, take 3 to 4 capsules of Vital-C during the seminar to free yourself from stress and keep yourself energized and guarded against sickness you can pick up from the crowd. I take 5 caps with me whenever I'm out of the house.

But the exercises above are just supplemental to your main workout in the morning or in the afternoon after the seminar when you get home. They're not designed as a stand-alone workout.

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