The Real Deadly Dangers of Obesity

Obesity is not just a weight and figure problem. It's more serious than that. It affects your pancreas, kidneys, and heart. I won't mention its bad effects on your digestive system anymore. Let's just focus on your pancreas and kidneys to see the real deadly dangers of obesity.

First, your pancreas. Because extra fat in your body can upset your natural insulin function, your blood sugar can be gravely affected. This is because obesity has affected your pancreatic functions, specifically a condition where your pancreas no longer produce insulin--which is type 1 diabetes. Your doctor will have to assign a medical maintenance for you. Or, you may have to inject unnatural insulin into your body.

Treatment like the above can lead to kidney problems, which often does. The nephron filters in your kidneys get damaged in the long run and soon you may need dialysis. Dialysis simply means your kidneys are no longer functioning. Then, when the kidneys are in big trouble, your heart can be next in line. Kidney troubles can shoot up blood pressure, making your heart do extra heavy work.

And imagine, it all started with obesity. This early, you should remedy the real deadly dangers of obesity while you can. And it really is simple--just do regularly this combo--Vital-C and exercises. This simple solution helps get rid of obesity and detoxifies your body system. No side effects.

Vital-C is non-acidic Vitamin C, and this vitamin is found to help carnitine do its fat burning work in our bodies. For instance, if you take a carnitine supplement (like MX3 Plus or Fit and Right juice) and take Vital-C, the vitamin C and carnitine fat-burning synthesis will work wonders in your body, giving you fast weight loss action. I've tried it and it really works.

Or, if you take Vital-C alone plus exercise, studies show that fat burning becomes more effective and faster. And it's got to be non-acidic Vitamin C so you can take 2 to 3 capsules before meals without getting stomach acidity or acid reflux. Taking synthetic Vitamin C will give you lots of stomach GERD problems and even UTI or kidney troubles because of their harmful residues, even if you take just 1 pill a day. So, make it Vital-C, which is safe and alkaline.

What exercise should you do? Weight loss experts say you need not punish yourself with heavy workouts. Just do light aeros, like brisk walking and jogging, 45 minutes a day. I also recommend jogging-in-place, but you have to do it rapidly to workout a sweat. Non-acidic Vitamin C plus exercise is a surefire formula to get rid of the real deadly dangers of obesity. Forget about diets. It's a solid no-diet slim easy program anyone can do. Consult your doctor about it.

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