If The Rainy Season Makes You Eat More, What's the Remedy?

When it's cold--like during the rainy season--we tend to eat more. The body seeks warmth so it needs more fat. When the brain gets that signal, it tells the digestive system--starting from the appetite center in the mouth--to work overtime. So you eat more. Problem is, when it's cold, you often don't feel like working out. The unburned fat is stored and turns into excess weight. 
So, if the rainy season makes you eat more, what's the remedy? Take more non-acidic Vitamin C.
A test done at the Arizona State University proved that Vitamin C can help reduce body fat and weight. The result of the test in a gist? "As vitamin C blood concentrations fell, so did the participants' ability to oxidize fat (an 11 percent reduction)," says an article on the test published on the Medical News Today or MNT website. Thus, during cold season, take more Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is a vital co-factor for bio-synthesizing carnitine, which is a small molecule similar to protein. Carnitine is essential in burning fat. When cells fail to get fat molecules, you feel weak and tired because energy cannot be produced. So, you feel listless and lazy during cold days, eat more, and yet burn less fat. You just want to lie down on the couch or in bed and do nothing but eat and watch TV. 
Sounds familiar?
The bad news is, fat  tends to collect when carnitine fails its job at fat burning, and collect where you don't want them--around the tummy and waist. But the good news is, you just need to up your Vitamin C intake daily. But what kind of Vitamin C?
No-Diet Slim has been espousing taking non-acidic Vitamin C. Synthetic Vitamin C--which is acidic--not only turns the body acidic and invites diseases, it also wrecks the defense mechanism of your digestive system. It destroys the balance between good and bad bacteria. Good bacteria cannot thrive in acidic environment and your microfloral balance is upset. Your body lose the ability to digest and process food properly (so foods rot in your colon and fats are unprocessed) and absorb the needed nutrients from food. 
Vital-C is non-acidic Vitamin C. It's pure alkaline and has been observed many times to help in weight loss. A lot of Vital-C users in the Philippines lost weight and slimmed down since they started taking it. Because it's non acidic, you can take high doses of it for weight loss and immune boost. We recommend taking 2 to 3 capsules before meals to lose weight.

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