Overeating is Sin

A Major Part of Pleasing God is getting Healthy and Fit
You may raise your eyebrows at the title above but it's true. Overeating is sin. There are two reasons for this.
The bible is against gluttony. Proverbs 23 and 28 have verses on this. If the bible is against it, it's sin. Second, if you intentionally neglect your excess weight gain by continuously overeating and doing nothing to lose weight and get in shape, you sin. You are God's temple and anyone who destroys God's temple will be destroyed by God himself.
This brings us to why we believe in a no-diet spiritual slim. Health and slimming is part of spiritual health. It's part of being good stewards. If you're overweight and you're a Jesus believer, it's time for you to take health and fitness seriously. Being overweight, out of shape, and sickly does not glorify God, no matter if you're the best worshiper in town.

However, if you start now, God sees your obedience though you still have a long way to go. The important thing is, you have a change of heart and are now going the correct way of obedience. Keep it up.
Many church people do not get a revelation on this. In fact, they just laugh and mock about it, as if health and fitness is a silly thing in ministry. Or, the best they give it is lip service. Thus, you hear about pastors who "die in ministry" stricken with deadly ailments. And many marvel at this--"He got so sick and died serving the Lord." Wow. Others even go farther, saying, "You only want to stay healthy because you're afraid to die. We overweight believers who don't care about health are brave, we're ready to die of unhealthiness because we're so sure of our salvation by faith." So they overeat.
Ever heard of that?
One pastor fond of eating crunchy fried pork skin (chicharon) always prayed over his spicy, fatty, oily meal, asking God to get rid of the fat and bad cholesterol in it. He claimed he had radical faith. One day he had a stroke and died. I don't know with you guys, but I can't imagine God telling him to his face, "Good and faithful servant." It's not God's will to destroy our bodies because they are the Holy Spirit's temple.
Some say, "We're all going to die anyway, so why fuss over health and fitness?" It sounds ridiculous claiming to believe in God who heals and then later dying of a deadly ailment. "So, where's your healing God when you were fighting for your life due to hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, kidney trouble, etc.?" Yeah, we're all going to die anyway, but the death that brings glory to God is either through persecution or just being taken by God, like he did Moses.
Moses was healthy and strong at a ripe old age and he died--not due to age or any ailment--but because God just took him. Same with Enoch and Elijah. Jesus wasn't sick of anything--he "died in ministry" not with sickness but persecution. That's dying gloriously for God. That should be the model, not dying in ministry because you had a stroke or diabetes.
If you really get fresh revelations straight from God through his Word, you should realize the importance of physical health and fitness. If you're weak in body health, your spiritual willingness gets seriously affected. That's what Jesus meant when he said, "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." With good body health and a willing spirit, you can do God's will much better. If you really love God, you'd love the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Paul said, "After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church--" [Eph.5.29]. You see that? Health and fitness is really closely tied to the care Christ gives the church. If Christ did it--feeding and caring for His body--so should we, if we are true believers.
The first step to serious health and fitness is getting the correct body weight and shape. You workout regularly and support it seriously with health supplements. Then you start glorifying God in the physical realms.

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