Eggs for Weight Loss [Part1]

Cancels More than 400 Calories

Eggs for  weight loss? Didn't experts recently say eggs were bad for health and could ruin weight loss efforts? Well, now they're saying a different thing--and which confirms my experience with eggs. Because some experts are now saying eggs are healthy and so effective for weight loss. But can we believe them? Sometimes it gets tiring to decide who we should listen to.

But here's something to see. A new research done at the Rochester Center for Obesity in America found that eggs during breakfast made you consume less calories--less than 400 calories in fact--and helped a person eat smaller meals after breakfast. Moreover, the study may mean you can lose 2 lbs a month if you ate eggs for breakfast.

I love eggs any time of the day and especially if my wife cooks them. My kids love them, too, sunny-side up, scrambled or omelet with fry-melted tomatoes. I don't gain weight or ruin my triglyceride or cholesterol levels doing so, and my late dad also loved eggs and ate them almost 3 times a day but never had any health problems with eggs till he died at age 88. Best of all, neither I or my dad were overweight.

I'm enjoying a fit and healthy body today, thank God! But lots of folks advice me against it. They tell me lots of scary stories about eating too much eggs. I sometimes want to believe but the moment I smell fried eggs, I forget what the stories are about. I can finish 5 eggs in one sitting. That's how I love them.

The study above found that participants who ate eggs for breakfast had 417 less calories than those who ate bagel doughs. In addition, eggs for breakfast are said to make you feel full the rest of the day so that you ate smaller meals during lunch and supper--that without strict diets or killer workouts. And I can vouch for that. Especially with 2 eggs for breakfast, I often don't crave for food at lunch time and can do without food in the evening.

Eggs are no junk, especially if you opt for organic eggs--or what we call in Manila, native eggs. They carry lots of nutrition like protein, Vitamins A, B12, D, and E, iron, and zinc plus just about 85 calories per. Says the US Food Standard Agency, you can eat eggs any day of the week and specified no limit per day. Of course, eggs are best eaten balanced with other nutritious foods, and just the right amount per day. Use common sense--it's easy to imagine how eating 10 eggs a day can be bad for health.

Anything in excess is harmful. Papaya is good and nutritious but think of eating 10 whole papaya fruits in one sitting. Or 5 kilos of spinach. Doesn't make sense, right? The same with eating too many eggs. How many eggs per day is safe? Use your common sense. Better yet, ask your medical doctor who's also a nutritionist. But don't ask someone whose business is selling eggs.

Experts advice that eggs are best eaten boiled than fried and best when eaten with Vitamin-C rich natural orange juice to aid the body in utilizing the iron in eggs. To me, I'\d recommend taking non-acidic Vital-C Vitamin C before breakfast to get more out of eggs and doubly protect yourself from any bad cholesterol, triglyceride or fat build up, just in case.

I recommend taking 3 caps of Vital-C before breakfast, and 1 to 2 caps before lunch and dinner. Together with the health and weight loss benefits of eggs (2 eggs each breakfast), Vital-C in such dosage will powerfully help health and weight loss boost for you.

However, as always, I urge you to consult your doctor about all this before you try anything. For me, the advice above works wonders. Eggs give me energy for the day and enough protein for muscular nutrition support. I feel great and strong, thank God. Eggs are God's gift to men.

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