Real Cheapest Weight Loss Supplement Formula

For Only P72 or P37 a day!

So far, this is the cheapest weight loss supplement formula I have found in Manila. I've been looking around trying to search for a weight loss supplement formula that really works and which anyone can afford. So far, I discovered 3 ways--well, actually it's just 2 because the other one is just a discount of the first. And the first costs only P72 a day, or less if you want.

1. Take 3 Vital-C Caps Before Meals

First is the 3 Vital-C caps 30 minutes before meals. The pre-meal alkalinity preparation makes your body system produce an alkaline base for processing the food you eat, getting rid of any acidity and normalizing fat storage regulation. In short, it naturally eliminates excess fat in the body.

A capsule of Vital-C costs only P8. Taking 3 caps before meals means using 9 capsules a day. You can reduce the number of capsules to 2 before meals if you think your metabolism can catch up fast enough with it. For slow metabolism, the 3 capsules before meals is a must.

2. Get a Vital-C Discount

This reduces the cost per day of the above weight loss supplement formula. Instead of P8 a capsule you get it for only P6 a capsule if you become a Vital-C distributor. Simply buy P8,888 worth of Vital-C health and fitness products and enjoy the lifetime discount. So, for 9 capsules a day, it will cost you only P54.

Imagine P54 a day for weight loss!

3. Vital-C Plus MX3 Plus

This is my most recent discovery. MX3-Plus has L-carnitine which is known to quicken metabolism. And the latest findings on this is that carnitine is greatly enhanced by Vitamin C. Together, they make weight loss so much more effective and faster. I found this out myself. I took MX3-Plus and Vital-C Vitamin C together and saw myself take off weight and body fat fast! I had to stop it because I was getting too slim. I just take MX3-Plus now and then. Instead, I take plain MX3 regularly (for health and stamina) plus Vital-C, which boosts immune defense and is non-acidic so you can safely take more than one a day.

MX3-Plus is about P20 or P25 per capsule, together with 2 capsules of Vital-C which is P12 if you're a distributor--then you spend only P32 to P37 a day. It's the lowest so far. MX3-Plus is mangosteen extract, L-carnitine, and Q10 which is good for anti-heart ailments and anti-cancer.

So, try it today. MX3-Plus is easily available in any Mercury Drugstore. For buying Vital-C or becoming a distributor, just use the Contact Form.

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