Weight Loss Lime

Have you heard of Philippine lime? It's found to be a powerful weight loss and detox native tropical fruit. Some call it calamondin, others golden lime, but popularly it is called kalamansi or calamansi. I didn't know this before, though I've always been a lover of fresh kalamansi juice. But last year, summer time, I and my wife heard a health and fitness expert on the radio confirm that kalamansi is a surefire detox and weight loss fruit.

It's so super sour that many folks think it is acidic and blame it for a lot of ulcers and stomach acidity. But in truth, it is pure alkaline if you eat or drink it fresh, right after you cut open the fruit. Squeeze one fresh Philippine lime into a glass of tap water and the water turns alkaline. And many claim that this alone helped them lose weight. Thus, it's a weight loss lime.

But what really shocked me was drinking 35 pieces of pure, freshly squeezed kalamansi in the morning--no water, no sugar. Can you do that? It seemed too acidic an idea for me, especially one done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. But this natural health expert on the radio said it was actually healthy, so I tried it the very next day.

Nothing happened first, except a bout of constipation. The next day, I almost stopped it, but thought that nothing all-natural could be bad for you. And anyway, you can never have too much of Vitamin C. Your body doesn't store it and you'd eliminate it within 24 hours. So I continued for several weeks more and then months.

The weight loss lime really worked! A lot more black, evil-looking stuff came out of my bowels and my digestive system improved! Constipation gone. And as I've told readers before, good digestion automatically means normal fat regulation and fat burning. And to top it all, I found it easy to work out muscle definition because of the weight loss and fat-burning action of the 35-kalamansi or weight-loss-lime ritual. Moreover, I felt my immune defense capacity increased. I never felt more powerful!

I still do this now and then these days. But I do a short cut instead---taking Vital-C daily in good amounts. I get the same effect--cleansing, detox, immune boost, energy, and just the right weight loss. With Vital-C, no more need to cut open 35 pieces of kalamansi, squeeze them, and withstand the soury taste. I don't have time for that everyday. Just take 3 to 4 capsules in the morning, and that's it!

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