Mediterranean Diet Better than Keto Diet?

While the Ketogenic diet is getting so popular for its effective weight loss and slimming effects, there are concerns from some quarters about its long-term effects on health. Okay, so your tummy is trimmed and you reached your ideal weight. How about the side effects? Keto is known to omit a lot of healthy food in its diet. It's not a no-diet slim program. [Photo above from Shanice Garcia@sagarcia].

In contrast, the Mediterranean diet gives you 50 to 60 percent calories from carbs, against Keto's 5 to 10 percent, according to an article on Health.Com [check it out here]. It can slim you down but probably a bit slower than Keto. We all know how Keto reportedly has tremendously fast results. But it limits your enjoyment of nutritious foods like certain fresh fruits deemed to be fattening, while giving you lots of fats and protein as substitutes to carbs for energy.

Well, not all ketos are the same. I heard from some quarters that they have somewhat improved on their keto and made it more balanced, adding in more food that are nutritious. I saw one with lots of certain berries and another which was more on vegetables, nuts and fish than lean meat. Yup, I'd go for a vegan keto. I'd prefer this kind of innovated keto than the traditional one. But some experts say this keto type is more "restrictive" than the traditional one. See the pros and cons of a vegan keto here.

If you like doing strict diets like Keto, you should at least take health supplements to make up for the lack of nutrients--and especially counter the bad effects of heavy meats and fats--by taking natural health supplements. Vitality for Men and Women, for instance (made by Melaleuca), provides you with micro-nutrients and antioxidant protection on the cellular level. Also try CardiOmega.

If you prefer not too costly supplements, try adding fresh fruits to your keto diet. I love bananas, but
some fitness experts say it has lots of carbs and fruit sugars. Because I love fruits, especially bananas, I eat them early in the morning when my digestive system is at its best. I take in the rich nutrition of bananas and also have more time to digest and burn the carbs through the day--with my fairly active lifestyle. 

Back to the Mediterranean thing. The Mediterranean diet allows you 5 servings of veggies and two of fruits. Keto, on the other hand, does not allow you certain veggies--particularly root veggies like carrots, sweet potatoes, beets and turnips. Black beans, too and legumes. Carrots? You stop eating carrots and you forfeit yourself of essential micro-nutrients and antioxidants your body needs.

With fruits, Keto does not allow you apples, oranges, grapes, pineapple, cherries and several others of my favorite fruits. Pineapple? Cherries? My goodness! These are super nutritious fruits I won't miss for the world! Forfeit myself of their health benefits just to slim down? Doesn't make sense to me. While with the Mediterranean diet, you have weight loss PLUS the health benefits of nutritious foods.

I'd mix them if I were you. Bet the best from both worlds.

Anyway, no wonder this colorful diet was voted the best health diet in 2019 by the US News and World Reports. Of 41 popular diets, the Mediterranean Diet ranked first, followed by the DASH Diet and Flexitarian Diet. Keto ranked 38th. Good news is, this top ranked diet also powerfully helps in weight loss and in reducing belly fat. ConsumerReports.Org says in an article:
The Mediterranean diet has been shown in studies to produce greater weight loss than low-fat diets. It also may reduce the accumulation of belly fat specifically. [Click here for the article]
Why is it ranked top? David Katz, MD and director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, had this to say: First, "The Mediterranean Diet has been studied extensively, so that’s a big part of it," he said. Second, it's practical. "This is a traditional diet of a large region of the world where people happily go to enjoy the food. This is very manageable; it’s not suffering, it’s not excluding things—it’s something that people and families really can do," Katz told Health.Com.

The key here is balanced. You should eat a healthy amount of everything, like what No-Diet Slim Plus maintains. You may choose the diet you want--Keto, Mediterranean, or what-have-you. But the thing is to make sure you get optimal health. Thus, we urge our readers to supplement. If you're on Keto, try taking organic health supplements to make do with the lack of needed nutrients. 

Among life's pure enjoyment is eating healthy, delicious food. We're allowed to live for some years--80 or 90 at most--and it'd be a sorry sight seeing you restricting yourself of delicious food (even your favorites) just to lose weight. You don't have to waste your life like that. Eat what you like. Enjoy them all. But eat in healthy proportions. That's no-diet slim. We repeat, dieting has to do with eliminating certain foods. No-diet slim allows you to indulge intelligently and with help from organic health supplements.

Watch this, for instance. I eat a small piece of meat and pork, a piece of chicken, some fish and lots of veggies and fruits. I wash all that down with pure water about 30 minute after eating. You know what I just had? A combination of Keto and Mediterranean. I enjoyed everything. Well, perhaps I eat a small amount of sweets like ice cream or cake now and then--once or twice a week, maybe? Or during special occasions (just make sure you don't make everyday special occasions). 

That's how God wants it. He put every food in Eden for man to eat--except the forbidden fruit. It's a fruit but it was designed not to be eaten. See? That's the principle No-Diet Slim follows. At first God allowed fruits with seeds plus some vegetables. Later he allowed meat. And from that they derived the Mediterranean Diet today. Sounds good. Just add a little bit of Keto. 

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