Top 5 Protein Sources for Breakfast

Native white cheese wrapped in
banana leaves.
To further activate your body metabolism and burn more fat, eat enough protein in the morning. Of course, you do this with workouts. Workouts plus enough protein intake result to weight loss and a metabolism that continues to work well beyond your workout session. You like that? Well, here are 5 top protein sources for breakfast.

Tofu or Taho

I'd put tofu or taho number one here. My favorites, actually. They're plant based and rich in protein. I buy P15 worth of taho 3 times a week (used to be P25-worth) in the morning, or fried tofu. I slice up a regular tofu square crosswise and cook 4 of that. But I love taho better because it doesn't need any preparation--just buy and eat.


Another one of my favorites. I so love eggs (and so do my kids), though some experts say their bad for health. My dad ate eggs about 3 times a day and never had any problem with his blood cholesterol levels or heart or blood pressure till he died at 85. While my mom who avoided eating eggs often had triglyceride and cholesterol problems. Funny, but I recommend talking about eating eggs first with your heart doctor before doing anything about it.

My wife cooks the best fried eggs in the world! I especially love the way she cooks it with lots of sauteed tomatoes. She even fries superb plain eggs. This is why a meal of fried eggs by my wife is considered a feast at our home. But the healthiest type is boiled eggs which I also love.


Haha, I also so love milk (and so do my kids)! I love it fresh and non-fat and cold (but don't count so much on ads saying "non-fat milk"). I particularly love goat's milk--and prefer it--because you can count on its "zero-fat" feature. And its good for the lactose intolerant like me. If no goat or carabao milk (I say no to cow's milk) is available around, then powdered milk would do, now and then.

But according to a medical scientist and nutritionist I know, drinking animal milk takes off more protein from your body than the protein it puts in you. So he recommends soya milk instead. Or eat dilis.


Dilis, again, is my favorite. It's a tiny fish about an inch long and is best cooked stir-fried with zero oil, cooked with vinegar or pinaksiw, or prepared raw with vinegar or kinilaw. Every wet market sells it in the Philippines. It's perfect with rice and fresh tomatoes. My wife sometimes sautes it in tomatoes or fries it as patties soaked in egg and flour.

White Cheese

Oh man, another all-time favorite of mine! White cheese made from goat's milk is my favorite. But white cheese like that is hard to come by, so I can settle for white cheese from carabao's milk. And I can recommend to you the food cart found on the second floor of SM North, main building that sells all kinds of milk products from carabao milk--yogurt, white cheese, and fresh milk. It's called Gatas ng Kalabaw.

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