Top 5 Carb-Rich Foods for Breakfast

Breakfast each morning is a must if you want to lose weight. And it should be healthy breakfast meals, no less. Eating enough carbs, protein, and foods rich in vitamins and minerals are best for activating body metabolism, so here are top 5 carb-rich foods for breakfast.

1. Oatmeal

I love oatmeal in the morning and at night. It's rich in soluble fiber. Fiber like this stays longer in your tummy, serving you well in terms of feeling full and giving you energy for an active day ahead. Try eating oatmeal without sugar and with soya milk. I love adding in fruits like bananas and grapes.

2. Corn

Corn is the best! It's rich in fibers and good for a normal blood pressure, eyesight, and for preventing constipation. Thus, with its fibers and anti-constipation property, it's good for weight loss. It's also rich in antioxidants. Specifically, it is low in saturated fats, high in iron, Vitamins C, B6 and B9 (or folic acid. And you get enough of your carb requirement. So eat natural corn in the morning.

3. Bananas

Bananas are good and among my favorites in the morning. Make sure to eat fruits first thing before eating anything. Eat about 2 to 3 bananas a day, preferably in the morning. It is said to be more nutritious than apple. So it's no longer eating an apple a day, but eating a banana a day that may keep doctors away.

4. Vegetables

Some experts say vegetables generally can be treated as belonging to the carb category. They provide us carbohydrates plus natural fibers, vitamins and minerals and vital antioxidants that fight cancers and other ailments. Good veggies in the morning are eggplant, okra, and cabbage among others. I love eggplant omelets or plain boiled eggplants with skin peeled off and mixed with fresh tomatoes and onions.

5. Brown Rice

Make sure its natural, unrefined brown rice--not white rice colored brown. It's rich in natural vitamins and minerals not found in white rice and rich in essential fibers for digestion. It's ideal with boiled eggs or fried or souped fish like those cooked in vinegar or pinaksiw.

Finally, for your carbs in the morning to be neutralized and prevented from causing acidity, take 2 to 3 caps of Vital-C before eating anything in the morning. It prevents acidity from building up, makes everything alkaline, and boosts your immune defense and energy levels.

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