Top 5 Real Fun Ways to Lose Weight

It's fun to lose weight and more fun to have lost weight. And as I investigated deeper, most people have more cash than most of us believe they have to spend on losing weight. If they want to, they can have real fun ways to lose weight without painfully sacrificing at the gym or starving themselves with strict diets. And here are top 5 ways.

1. Travel

No, you don't have to travel far and wide. Just start with your city. In my case, for instance, Metro Manila. Go around the city and visit places you haven;t been to. Like, have you seen everything in Intramuros, Manila? Have you seen everything in Makati or Pasay? You may get a bit farther and ask yourself if you have seen everything in Laguna or Batangas.

You may choose to rent a van or commute. But make sure you don't roam around a locality in a private van but go out and walk or take public transportation while your private van waits for you somewhere near. Then, walk, walk, and walk briskly. Enter malls and department stores and restaurants and see what's cooking.  The idea is to walk around fast to burn calories.

2. Climb Up

I love visiting museums and there are lots of museums you have probably not seen yet in Metro Manila. Most folks I talk to haven't been to National Museum in Manila. Have you? Well, this is what you should do--visit museums and climb up and down their staircases as you survey the artifacts displays. Or, if you're on sidewalks and have to cross roads or highways, always use footbridges which you have to climb up and down to use. You can do this even in malls. Always use the stairs. I enjoy taking the MRT or LRT where you have to climb high stairs to get to the cashier booth. You can do all these things if you live in another country.

3. Go Vegan

Fast walking, running, and climbing up stairs for hours will soon starve you. When you take snacks, go for delicious vegetarian treats. I love eating Goldilock's special fresh lumpia. Sometimes, I take a glass of juiced carrots with sugarcane juice at the SM supermarket, or a small cup of carabao milk yogurt. For your meals, eat at a vegetarian restaurant--or any restaurant that serves fresh veggies. I love Mann Hann in this regard, especially their steamed rice topped with mixed vegetables.

4. Visit Resort-Hotels

You may want to go farther than the city and visit provinces. Cebu has lots of resort-hotels located along the beaches. First class resort-hotels often have gyms and water sports and serve healthy native food dishes and tropical fruits. Spend 2 t 3 days and relax as you also exercise to lose weight.

5. Take a Hike

Some folks I know spend some days in the mountains hiking to workout. They spend money to arrange a trip--prepare packs, tents, tools, equipment, food, and hiking and camping outfits, arrange for professional tour guides and coordinate with rescue teams. They really spend some just to enjoy a few days of hiking in the great outdoors.

Or, you can simply arrange for a hiking trip to a destination nearest you. In my case, La Mesa Dam Eco Park is the nearest.

Yes, a lot of people have lots of money for something like the activities enumerated above--even do them on a regular basis. I used to think life in the Philippines was getting harder, until I saw many people here do vain things with their tons of money. Problem is, they don't do it for health, or for a good cause, and just watch themselves gain weight with their money.

Some try going to gyms but only last for a few weeks or months and then quit due to boredom. So, since you have the money, why not make it a bit more adventurous and exciting with the family? Make it a habit to do fun ways to lose weight.

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