The One Thing to Do When All Weight Loss Efforts Don't Seem to Work

What if everything you tried to lose weight--and you tried everything--doesn't seem to work? You suffered a lot to observe a diet, do workout programs, and take weight loss supplements, for years, to no avail. What do you do then? Do you quit or do you continue?

Of course, I won't tell you to quit, because I'm your slimming companion. But let me tell you some analogies.

Look at street bums. They have nothing to eat but they never quit. They scour the neighborhood trash cans in search of food. They just keep doing it even if they seem to have no sure goal in life except to exist day to day. But you have a goal--to be healthy and fit. It's a worthy goal to strive at daily even if nothing seems to happen for years.

The one thing to do when all weight loss efforts don't seem to work is--keep on. A lot of people who tried to lose weight quit. Worse, a lot of people who once already lost weight decided to quit for some reason, and now they weigh worse than ever. It's a simple advice to give--keep on--but its wisdom is seldom really understood.

Just keep on trying to lose weight. keep on the discipline to eat healthy, workout and take supplements. No strict diet needed--you don't need to suffer food deprivation (only to later go back to devouring food uncontrollably). Just observe a no-diet slim program where you eat healthily every food available on the dinner table, and then workout and supplement--especially with Vital-C (imagine, all you need are 2 to 3 caps before meals each day and exercise).

Just eat.

If after a few years nothing seems to work, just keep at it. If after so many years, you still weigh the same, just keep on. After all, you benefit from the health effects of the discipline, if not the weight loss aspect. And good health is really the point of it all. Weight loss is just a bonus. I know a lot of slim folks who are not healthy, and I know of people who never lose weight but are healthy. So, what would you choose?

When worse comes to worst, just think of the benefits you have, not those that you don't have. The positive thinking then drives you to keep on.

And also, all hard work is rewarded, said the bible. Never lose hope.

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