5-Minute Jogs Can Save Your Heart..and Figure

I know you're busy. You don't have time to exercise daily. But I just want you to consider this fact for a few moments--5-minute jogs can save your heart health and figure as well. Just 5 minutes. It's a real bargain you shouldn't miss.

When my sons were kids and had fever, I and my wife would check their temperature by inserting the thermometer into their armpits and wait for 5 minutes. We'd read a few sentences in a book or watch TV a short while and before we knew it, the 5 minutes were up. Nothing to it.

Imagine getting in shape and giving your heart good health by just jogging for 5 short minutes. I believe anyone can do this--even you! And you know what's the good news about it? A recent health study in July 2014 said that folks who ran for 5 to 10 minutes a day were less likely to develop heart problems and die of heart ailments.

Even if they ran or jogged slowly!

And you know what? There's not much difference between running slowly or fast when it comes to heart health, added the article that featured the study (on the site About Health). So, you need not run fast and out race anyone just to get a healthy heart. Just run at your own pace. And that should also cut the amount of fat in your body somewhat.

Did you know that sitting for 4 hours straight is worse for your cardiovascular health than smoking? Instead, you should do light exercises every 2 or 4 hours, like squats, climbing stairs, or just moving around fast in your business place or office. Stand up and take a "walk-break" now and then--walk back and forth along a long corridor, for instance. It will burn calories, improve circulation and refresh your mind.

Remember, the standard is to get at least 150 minutes per week of exercise, or roughly 30 minutes a day of slow jogging or brisk walking. It reduces risks of cardiac arrests. And you can start out by doing 5 to 10 minutes of slow jogging a day for probably 3 to 6 months. You get a healthy heart and figure. It's worth an investment.

The bible says no one hates his own body but cares for and feeds it. Your body deserves the care you can give it daily. Feed it right and care for it by giving special time for it--time to exercise and get in shape. And starting with 5 minutes a day can go a long way.

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