How Getting Up Late in the Morning Makes You Fat

You know how getting up late in the morning can get you fat? It's because you skip breakfast. Lots of people are still breakfast non-believers. They think its a minor meal and that extended sleep in the morning can offset whatever you missed at breakfast. Moreover, they reason that catching up on sleep is more important than breakfast.

Extended sleep in the morning is one of the unnoticed reasons for gaining more weight. And here are some reasons why:

1. First, you miss breakfast, and it's at breakfast time that you can eat enough to make your metabolism work better. If you eat enough protein and other nutritious foods in the morning, it perks up metabolism so that you burn more calories during the day. If you wake up late, you worsen metabolism performance and that's how getting up late in the morning makes you fat.

2. You miss the perfect meal to burn carbs well. Breakfast early in the morning is when you can eat enough carbs to give you enough energy for the day but which won't make you fat. Eat carbs at lunch or supper and you're left with little time to burn them, making you gain weight.

3. Waking up for an early breakfast means eating supper the night before early, which is good for digestion and metabolism. Eat supper at 6 pm so that you can go to bed at 8 or 9 pm. Then you may wake up the following day at 5 am for an early morning water therapy and workout plus hearty breakfast. You also get a full 8-hour sleep.

Look at farmers in the provinces. They're mostly fit and strong, both men and women. They eat supper early--sometimes at 5.30 pm, and sleep at 8 pm. Then they wake up at 4 am the next day and have good breakfast later on--usually a meal of fish, rice, tomatoes, plus fresh carabao milk. Thus, they're fit and strong--quite athletic--even in old age, both men and women. I and my wife took note of this.

But city life throws all that out the window and puts in place a lifestyle that often ensures weight gain, if not obesity. City people sleep late at night--watching TV, having a night life or getting drunk till the wee hours of the morning--and waking up very late the following morning. They skip breakfast everyday and instead eat what they call "brunch" (breakfast and lunch) at past noon.

A lifestyle like that is a sure ticket to either weight gain or unhealthiness.

By the way, this is my 100th article! If you want to congratulate me, please do so using the Contact Form (lols!). And yes, the talks are true--I give out regular short tips and updates on fitness and health through emails. They're short enough to be enjoyed by folks in a hurry in the morning. If you want them, just say so through the Contact Form on the sidebar.

Here's "Eggs for Weight Loss" [Part 1]..

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