Eggs for Weight Loss? [Part 2]

Because I love eggs, here's a second discussion about its role in weight loss. A friend and I were discussing on eggs for weight loss over breakfast and he eventually mentioned about a radio health program where a fitness expert insisted on eggs for breakfast. The guy even said eating eggs daily wasn't bad unlike what other experts have been saying, especially with cholesterol levels.

So my friend, hypertensive and taking maintenance meds, has been eating eggs ever since. He said his blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels had become normal. Moreover, he never gained weight--in fact, he lost some. I remembered how my late dad ate eggs daily (sometimes 3 to 5 a day) and had similar health results. He never had hypertension. But when I checked the Net, health experts are still divided (or undecided?) about the effects of eggs to health, and particularly eggs for weight loss.


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A study published on PubMed, an authority on nutrition, said eggs for breakfast can lower your intake of food during lunch and supper--or 36 hours after. Eating eggs at breakfast can make you feel full enough so you won't crave for food the rest of the day--and even cut the craving considerably. You won't have appetite for carbs. That's among wonderful benefits of eggs for weight loss. 

I think that's what happens to me, too. Since I love eggs, I eat them often and never gain weight--though my big appetite remains the same. I still eat a lot 😆. My blood pressure and cholesterol levels remain normal and egg protein helps me with my workouts. Yup, even at my age. I guess a lot of non-joiners love eggs, too. You enjoy them more when you're alone. I don't know why but I get a kick out of eating fried eggs, sunny-side-up, alone at my PC desktop. 

There's not one conclusive study yet on eggs which fitness and health gurus could agree on, so I suggest you go slow on your eggs for now while keeping fingers crossed that doctors and health experts would finally get their acts together. And always ask your doctor about it. I hope one day big pharma would stop misleading us.

Some fitness experts, on the other hand, say eggs are safe without the yolk. The egg whites are rich in protein and are safe--it's the yolk that gives you the bad heart effects, they add. But my dad insisted that eggs weren't complete if you took out the white or the yolk. You have to eat both if you want egg to give you complete and safe nutrition. I agree. God designed eggs to come with whites and yolk. Why separate what God has put together?

What do I do? Of course, I follow my dad's advice--plus consider what my doc says, including my researches, and then use God's wisdom in balancing things. I often check my blood chem. But what thing for sure--I'm sure eggs are delicious and they give me energy and help me maintain fitness.


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