Thanking God for Fitness and Health

Exercising first thing in the morning is the best! Don't workout yet--just do some 30 push-ups or some sets of chest expander. And then proceed to your water therapy. About 30 minutes after, eat your fruits and then take your Vital-C. After a few minutes come breakfast which is usually boiled egg, soya curd or taho, and some bread or rice cake (my favorite), or else fish, veggies and rice. Breakfast is vital. I follow this regimen in the morning. Later in the day, I workout. I thank God for fitness and health!

I can't forget the time when I thought my working-out lifestyle had ended--merely walking up the stairs was a struggle for me, what more working out? A push-up or a squat made me dizzy, catching my breath and becoming terribly weak. It went on for years that I thought I had to say good bye to my former athletic life. When I was younger I had been so athletic and could perform tremendous feats. I'd been a deadly martial artist. And then the ailment.

I kept praying to God to give me back my athletic lifestyle, to no avail. It seemed unanswered for years and years and I even seemed to be getting worse. And then the time of His grace came, at last. I'm now back to my athletic life. Really, I thank God for fitness and health!

And if you think you're a hopeless case where weight loss is concerned, you're wrong. Just keep praying about it to God--the author of Life, including our body science--not stopping in finding ways to get your ideal weight and shape no matter your age, never giving up. If you feel down at times and so discouraged and going further seem pointless, you can talk to me using the Contact Form. I can be your online fitness companion or friend or coach--something like that.

By God's grace, I aim to age fitly and healthily like Moses and Caleb were. Both came to a ripe old age still athletic, strong and healthy. Moses was still climbing up and down Mount Sinai at 80 plus and Caleb was fighting wars with the same age. If you read Psalm 18, it has lots of verses showing how God is a fitness and health Coach or Trainer--even training the psalmist's hands and feet in battle--probably Israelite martial arts.

To enjoy fitness and health with age, you need to eat healthily, workout regularly, and go on taking health supplements like Vital-C. In case you over-ate, you can take Optrimax Plum Delite (plus Vital-C) to regulate body fat storage. Or you can try Vital-C and MX3-Plus--they're effective together. I call them dynamic duo.

Then, when you have achieved your targeted weight and figure, the more you can thank God like I'm doing.

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