CHEST EXPANDER for Weight Loss Through Lean Muscle Building

Chest Expanders can make you slimmer. Get a chest expander and use it to burn fat in your arms, body sides, and even abs. I've been using it for years now and it really works--first trimming down the fat under your arms, the love handles on your sides, and the flabby fat in your abdomen. 

How do you use it? You got to use it right. Hold it in front of you with outstreched arms--stretch it out as far as you can. Then pull the expander sideways, trying not to bend your arms. Well, bending them a little at first will help. So, do it like that for some months until you gain enough arm strength to be able to do it without bending your arms. 

Then do it with variations. Try to lower the chest expander to your abdomen and pull sideways, or on eye level. Lower pulls involve the ab muscles. Upper pulls focus on arm, shoulder, and chest muscles.

And important: stiffen your ab muscles and pull in your tummy each time you pull sideways. Try to involve them with each pull. Make sure, too, that you stand erect, stomach in, chest out, and butt a bit out. After pulling the expander the best you can, hold it like that for 4 to 7 seconds and slowly relax back to original position. Inhale deeply and pull once more, holding your breath as you hold it for 4 to 7 seconds, and then gradually exhaling as you slowly release and relax. 

Make 4 sets of 5 reps each.

And try to do extra pulls now and then through the day. It helps relieve you of stress and improves blood circulation. If you feel tired after hours of typing on your PC keyboard, or stressed with work, take a break, stand up and take your chest expander. Do 3 to 4 pulls, as described above, relax after, and proceed with your work. It will give you renewed strength and a clearer mind. 

Try it now! It's one powerful way to no-diet slimming! If you want to buy a chest expander online, just use the Contact Form so I can give you the link. Simply type "Chest Expander" on the message box.

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