Been Busy with Weight Loss EBooks

I've been away long. So, how are you all? I've been doing a lot of e-books lately and giving some  of them away for free while selling others. It's been my dream to have a good career in blogging and e-books, combining them to hell people and also make a good living. I believe they're my forte--both involving research, writing and publishing. These are my real love!

I also have books on Amazon.Com (Kindle books) and I hope you drop by the Amazon site to see them. If you want to get a glimpse of the e-books, just contact me through the Contact Form on the sidebar and tell me you want to catch a glimpse of the e-books and I will send you links.

I've also been busy re-building my Wordpress site, titled "Expert Builder" [] and been writing lots of weight loss and fitness articles there. The plan is to focus on that site where I publish all my articles on fitness, food, careers, family, discipleship, e-books, and more. I'll be doing articles here less often--well, probably once a week.

So, if you want more of our articles, please do drop by Expert Builder [just copy-paste this on your browser:] and click on "follow" on the upper right corner or on the sidebar. You'd receive my regular articles if you follow the blog.

E-books are my latest craze. Because I love to write books, I decided to make all my books digital so I can easily publish them on the Net. I've been having trouble trying to find an affordable way to get my books published for years. I was thinking of printing hard copies of them but doing so proves so costly. Finally, I learned how to do and market e-books, so there it is! See everything on Expert Builder.

The e-book image above is just an example. There will be more e-books by me published on the Net soon, so grab them all! I sell them cheap--from US$0.99 to only US$8. So, check out Expert Builder now! [Copy-paste this on your browser:].

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