How to Protect Your Digestive Health: Improve Your Weight Loss, Too
When your digestive health is problematic, you may have difficulties staying in shape or losing weight. It's in your digestive chambers that fat storage and elimination happen. If your digestion has problems with this, you gain weight. Worse, your immune system is negatively affected. When I began to see this I did a lot of correction to my lifestyle to remedy my digestive health.

I can share two important things here.

1. First, keep away from anything acidic. Citrus fruits may be acidic but my alternative medicine expert-friends told me they're really alkaline in your body as long as you eat them immediately on slicing them open. Don't let them stay idle for more than 15 minutes, and when I say "not more than 15 minutes," don't eat or drink them 14 minutes and 59 seconds after slicing them open. That's not the idea.

The idea really is to eat or drink them as soon as you open them.

Here are more things that give you an acidic life and an acidic tummy:
  • Smoking
  • Drinking liquor
  • Staying up late at night (not enough sleep and rest)
  • Fatty food 
  • Beef and pork
  • Softdrinks and sodas
  • Purified or distilled water (especially bottled)
  • Bottled water that remains too long in the bottle (better yet, stay away from bottled water)
  • Powdered "fruit "juice drinks or those in syrup form
  • any artificial "fruit" drinks
Well, actually, anything you eat turns acidic in your tummy, even healthy food. Imagine what happens if you eat acidic food that turns even more acidic in your tummy! That's double punishment for your digestive health. If you eat healthy food, it may turn a bit acidic in you but your digestive enzymes and bile would easily take care of them. Bile is an alkaline digestive fluid. Enzymes make digestion alkaline as well. But everything here must be balanced by the right amount of hydrochloric acid or HCL. 

How do you balance them? By living a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy food--especially eating raw fruits and vegetables. Cooked fruits like banana only give you fibers. The enzymes are eliminated. The bad news is, out natural digestive enzymes and HCL decrease with age. If we don;t have enough of them, we start to have digestive problems. 

2. Never drink while or immediately after eating. These unhealthy eating habits--drinking while or immediately after eating--negates the jobs that enzymes, bile, and HCL does for proper digestion. The best thing is to drink 30 minutes or an hour after meals.

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