Why Breakfast is So Important for Weight Loss

If you'd skip a meal, it shouldn't be breakfast. Not that I'm endorsing skipping meals--I don't--but some people do it. So, if you're thinking of bypassing any meal, never do it with breakfast--if you want to lose weight fast.

A couple of days ago I was forced to skip breakfast because there wasn't any--just kidding. I had to beat lots of deadlines so I had no time to buy food and cook breakfast. And you know what happened? I felt weak and easily got tired that I also didn't workout. But wait--there's more.

Here's your tendency if you often skip breakfast:
  • You'd feel weak and unable to workout even if you eat a lot during lunch and snacks. 
  • In fact, you'd eat more lunch and supper and snacks which will disturb proper digestion and fat burning and storage.
  • You'd eat more but would want to rest more as well because zero breakfast kindof "robs" your energy through the day.
  • As you rest more, you become idle and burn less fat.
You won't feel the above if you skipped breakfast only once or twice. But if it becomes a daily habit (with some people it's a lifestyle, saying breakfasts are just added expense), you'd start feeling the above.

But then, of course, you also have to watch what you eat during breakfast. The rule is, don't eat too much carbs. Carbs make you sleepy and easily tired. Our motto at No-Diet Slim is forget about diets. Just eat. Eat everything. But I have to reiterate, this means eat balanced. And at breakfast time, I recommend lots of fruits, veggies of course, and a bit more than enough protein. And then the rest of what can be eaten. That's balanced.

Here's my recommendation for a simple Pinoy breakfast:
  • (Very) small cup rice or boiled sweet potato
  • Boiled egg
  • Taho or Soy bean curd
  • 3 bananas plus other fruits
  • Boiled eggplant or okra
  • Fish
Eat the fruits first. And you can eat the above even if you're not Pinoy.

I saw one ad online that said ice cream, floats and similar desserts were good for breakfast even if they're all you're going to eat. Yeah, you need lots of energy in the morning and through the day, but even if you burned all that carbs, you still need other nutrients in your body. Filling up with nothing but carbs is a bad idea of what a good breakfast is. 

But then again, the online ad was promoting desserts so, no wonder it was saying that.

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