If you take out these 3 things from your daily meals you'd feel great, enjoy optimum health, and best of all, lose weight. But aren't we in a no-diet slimming advocacy--meaning we can eat all we want and still lose weight?

Yup, we're still into no-diet slim tips, but you see, there's a "Plus." The Plus here is introducing alternatives that can take the place of food elements that wreck our health and just make us fat. We still enjoy foods and do no restrictions to eating and observe no self starvation diets. We go on just eating.

Now, here are the three food types we should get rid of:

  1. White or Processed Sugar: substitute this with fattening but healthy alternatives, like almonds or coconut oil. Nope, you don't put coconut oil or almonds in your coffee to substitute sugar with. What we mean is, instead of craving for sugar or something sweet, take some almonds or coconut oil (virgin coconut oil). That will shut off your craving for sweets. On second thought, yeah, why not try almonds or coconut oil for your coffee?
  2. Dairy: instead of taking animal milk or cheese made from it, use (again) almond milk or coconut milk. That helps you get rid of all the steroids and antibiotics injected into dairy animals and which find their way into the milk and then into your body system. I would also recommend goat's milk--from goat that feeds on organic grass alone. If you know an organic goat farm that sells goat milk, then it's your chance.
  3. Wheat: wheat and wheat products makes your immune system work harder just to fight off gluten intolerance and protect your gut. Alternatives are sprouted wheat, sour-dough bread (less gluten if fermented at least 20 to 30 days), 
If you want to know more about this topic, just see the video below!

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