Vitamin C burns your fat and makes you lose weigh! No less than the 2005 Journal of American College of Nutrition announced this, specifically stating that high Vitamin C dosage can lower body-mass indexes--or reduce weight, in short.

If you get enough Vitamin C daily, you effectively increase body fat oxidation during workouts, the authors of the Journal added. That makes your weight loss workouts more effective. Hence, if you lack Vitamin C you may gain more weight and be fat. And perhaps the main reason you remain fat despite your exercises and strict diets is simply your lack of Vitamin C.

So, get more Vitamin C!

But how?

Often, too much Vitamin C gives you stomach acidity. A lot of people who drink too much orange or lemon juice later gets too much acid in the tummy. More so when they take too many ascorbic acid pills. So, how do you get enough Vitamin C daily and safely?

Hence, if you lack Vitamin C you may gain more weight and be fat.
And perhaps the main reason you remain fat despite your exercises and strict diets is simply your lack of Vitamin C.

Fresh fruit juices supposedly rich in Vitamin C are good, but truth is, Vitamin C in them quickly evaporates. If the fruits are mishandled during deliver from farm to stores and if they are over exposed to heat like when displayed in fruit stalls exposed too long to the sun--or if they stay too long in grocery stores--there isn't much Vitamin C left in them, if any, though they're still rich in fibers good for digestion.

On the other hand, taking ascorbic acid Vitamin C pills can make your stomach acidic in the long run.

So, how do you solve these problems?

In my case, I get more Vitamin C by taking Vital-C supplements. These are in frozen crystallized form extracted from young corn to make sure the Vitamin C in them do not evaporate, and they are sodium ascorbate (not ascorbic acid) to get rid of acidity in your stomach. I can take as much as 5 capsules at a time or 2 capsules 3 times a day to supplement my workouts so I can get rid of more body fats and yet get no acidic reaction.

Even the capsule itself is made from plants, not animal fat as most capsules are. So, absolutely no acidity.

To inquire more about Vital-C, just use the Contact Form on the sidebar of this blog.

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