Eat Anything. Just Watch Out for Carbs

Eat anything. As long as it's in right proportions, all foods are good. I'm not talking about processed foods, though. Eat natural or real foods. Yup, even carbs and sweets, which I love. No sweet tooth here, but once in a while I crave for them. However, here are things you should watch out for when dealing with carbs and sweets.

Photo above by Seriously Low Carb on Unsplash.

Always go easy on carbs and sweets. I don't believe in eliminating them altogether from your meals, but you must regulate your intake. Apply wisdom and common sense (a lot of things are settled with plain common sense, believe me. No need to always consult experts). For instance, why consume 2 cups of rice in a meal? Doesn't make sense even if you're large-size. I've taught my body to be happy with 3/4 cup per meal. Well, sometimes I add a bit. No sense in being over strict. But you got to keep to a minimum most of the time. 

Now, because I eat rice, I make sure I very seldom eat any more carbs the rest of the day. Often, zero carbs. Sometimes, I allow myself a small slice or piece of pastry now and then. What I mean "sometimes" here is 2 or 3 times a week. And I stay away from food made of refined or white flour as much as I could. Well, during birthdays or special occasions, I eat a small slice or two. No problem. You won't turn suddenly flabby with that.

Just make sure special occasions don't happen everyday--or invent them.

Keto and others similar diets sound very interesting but I don't buy their idea of eliminating certain foods, like fresh oranges, which are my favorites. Oranges and bananas? Peaches? Oatmeal and beans? Umm, I don't think so. I always say, eat anything in right proportions. And sweets?

We need sweet food for energy, like honey, muscovado or sweet fruits. Again, in right proportions. There's a slimming technique where you starve the body of carbs so that the body would use stored fat for energy. But that takes getting used to. If you suddenly starve your body of carbs your blood sugar may drop unhealthily when you're hungry. It will help to lessen carbs gradually in right proportions.

But you see, all foods were created and given us for a purpose. All of them. We are not to eliminate any. It's like our internal organs. All of them have uses and we're not to get rid of them just like that, except when really needed. Like our tonsils. They're part of our body's defense system against bacteria. So is our appendix. 

How do we make sure that we eat in right proportions and not overdo it? I'd recommend God's standard. God's warning against gluttony makes sure we eat food in right proportions. And to get an idea, look at how Jesus distributed miraculous bread and fish. He let the people eat until they were satisfied. Not over satiated but satisfied. 

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