What Coffee Does to Your Body Fat

Coffee helps you get rid of your body fat, especially the type that accumulates around your tummy. If you've not been drinking coffee--and you have belly fat--then you're missing a lot. Start being a coffee buff. And coffee magic is all in the action of caffeine.

Caffeine acts on the nervous system in a way that makes this system break down fat. It increases lipolysis which is the process of breaking down lipids or fats, a subgroup of which is triglycerides. Sounds familiar? When doctors say our triglyceride levels are up, we get the idea that we've become too fat, especially on the inside. Like fat in the blood, or lipids. Well, according to an article (see it here) coffee can help you a lot.

In another study published online, caffeine is said to affect the sweat glands (make us sweat more) and fat oxidation (or stored fat being used as energy) after a workout. Experts say that when the body uses stored fat into energy so that you don't need to eat carbs for it, you lose weight and body fats. You become slimmer. 
Activated sweat gland density levels were higher in Caffe-I (Chest p<0.05 and U-Back p<0.01) and free fatty acids (FFA) were higher in Caffe-I compared to No-Caff immediately before (p<0.05) and after running (p<0.01). In summary, caffeine increases ASGD and FFA by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system and increasing of lipolysis. Source

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Another fat burning action from caffeine is increasing the hormone epinephrine in the bloodstream. This hormone is triggered in the adrenaline and reaches fat tissues, telling them to breakdown fats. This works well when your body burns more calories than you take in. 

Moreover, caffeine in coffee helps speed up metabolism, and particularly make your resting metabolic rate (RMR) active. One study showed that caffeine increases RMR, helping you burn fat even while at rest. But it may not be as effective if you're obese, the study said. For instance, the article said:

One study showed that caffeine increased fat burning by as much as 29% in lean people, while the increase was only about 10% in obese individuals.. [Source]

Here's the main source of the study.

Caffeine fat-burning is more pronounced among young people, but the study added that this fat burning benefit has its limit. It wears out with time. Soon you'd notice that caffeine has no more effect in fat burning. Thus, if you consume a lot of coffee with lots of sugar too long, you'd start gaining weight.

FINALLY, caffeine in coffee stirs up your energy levels which you can use for working out more. More exercise means burning fat, and then losing weight. I feel added energy right after a cup of coffee and that helps me do more push-ups and squats--and even do house chores after. 

But be careful not to drink too much coffee or other drinks with caffeine. We all know the side effects of too much caffeine, especially with our sleeping habit. Don't be a caffeine addict. Health experts and doctors say a cup or two a day is good enough. So I determine never to exceed 2 cups a day. And also, fancy coffee drinks are a big no-no here. They're loaded with sugar and cream and other fattening ingredients. 

Opt for black or brewed coffee, or with a little bit of milk and zero to less brown sugar. Avoid those with white, refined sugar. 

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