5 Foods You Thought Made You Fat

When folks ask me what to eat to stay healthy and fit, I tell them eat food. Period. As long as they're natural food, foods are good. Junk and processed foods are, however, a different story. They're not really food. They're more of synthetics. I'm talking here about natural food. 

Photo above by Helena Lopes on Unsplash.

And there are 5 natural foods most people think are fattening, but they're not.

1. Cooking Oil. A lot of cooking oil brands are fattening but not those categorized as MCT or Medium-Chained triglycerides which actually increases your metabolic rate, as one study has shown, and makes you lose weight. The study concludes that, "Thus, MCTs may be considered as agents that aid in the prevention of obesity or potentially stimulate weight loss." Source

By the way, oil from coconut and palm are rich in MCT so I always make sure I buy coconut cooking oil. One article on Healthline.Com says, "Coconut oil naturally contains MCTs, namely 42% lauric acid, 7% caprylic acid, and 5% capric acid." I also take coconut virgin oil now and then. More on this in another blog post.

2. Fatty Fish. Because they're rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, they can help you lose weight, aside from reduce inflammation and heart problems. Examples are salmon, sardines, herring (tawilis), mackerel and milkfish or bangus. The site, MedicalNewsToday.Com says in an article how tilapia is also rich in Omerga-3.

3. Eggs. Lots of people think eggs are fattening, so they stay away from it. But a health article said eggs are the best when it comes to losing weight and burning fat. See it here. Again, an article in healthline.com says that, "science is clear that up to 3 whole eggs per day are perfectly safe for healthy people." But I recommend asking your doctor about it first. I eat eggs often, but not 3 times a day. I love fried eggs.

4. Fats. This may come as a surprise. but eating fat is part of of a healthy diet. An article on the site, hsph.harvard.edu, says that, "Contrary to past dietary advice promoting low-fat diets, newer research shows that healthy fats are necessary and beneficial for health." And fats also help in weight loss. How? Well, keto advocates say body fat can be an alternative source of energy so you won't have to eat carbs for it. When you do away with carbs, your body turns to fats for energy so you can continue your workouts and be slimmer.

Get healthy fats from nuts, avocado, dark chocolate, eggs, chia seeds, and full-fat or Greek yogurt.

5. Beef

Beef from grass-fed cows are good. They're a bit fatty but not fattening. To me, the best beef comes from goat meat which is very healthy and certainly not fattening. 

Eat everything in right proportions. That's balanced. No-Diet Slim Plus believes that weight loss does not have to take away your enjoyment of food, especially enjoying every kind of food, including your favorite "fatty" foods. But there should be discipline--eat everything in right proportions. Excess in any food group leads to weight gain and unhealthiness. 

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