No-Diet Slim with ZERO SUGAR

After a lot of rewarding research online, I decided to adjust my blog title a lil bit. "No-Diet Slim with ZERO SUGAR," with great emphasis on "zero sugar." And I mean anything sweet (I discovered that even Stevia can give you belly fat. Definitely no-no) in food. So check the contents of products you buy. 

Why no sugar?

Ever since sugar came into the picture--especially white, refined sugar--deadly illnesses also started appearing on the scene. I don't remember anything about dialysis when I was a kid or teenager, for instance. But when they started adding sugar and sweets to almost every product, insulin resistance began to reign, along with kidney, liver and heart diseases plus obesity.
I mean, almost everybody has elevated blood sugar today!

So No-Diet Slim Plus now stresses on zero sugar (and less carbs) because I don't see sugar as food anyway. It has no nutritional value or any health benefit. Real food has nutrition naturally. No need to add or fortify with vitamins and minerals. In this sense, I believe in no-diet slim--eat any food in right proportions, just make sure it's real food. 

No restriction or prohibition as long as it's real food.
...meat, fats, veggies, fruits, grains, root crops, dairy, all in right proportions.
That means good bye to pastries and sweet desserts, except if you have done no-sugar and no-carbs for at least a year (yes, no rice and bread) and had gotten rid of your belly fat and eliminated sweet cravings. Then you may taste a miniscule size of desserts now and then--perhaps once or twice a week. You don't want to throw your zero-sugar, zero-carb gains out the window just like that.

I'm on my second month with no-sugar, less-carb, 1/8th small cup of rice a day. I don't eat bread anymore and slowly getting rid of rice. I eat twice a day--small breakfast and lunch. Well, sometimes I have a mini early dinner when I really need it.

I feel stronger!

Just to share some...I often eat only eggs and some veggies for breakfast plus black coffee. Sometimes I eat eggs only. Sometimes a regular size saba or cardava. Cardava has some sugar but it's minimal. And it's natural. And I make sure I eat just one or two, and it's not everyday.

You should try it, too! Slowly, and with your doctor's supervision.

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