Is Your Job Making You Fat?

Astounding what foods our jobs make us eat!

Workouts and diets are good for losing weight and keeping healthy (though no-diet slim is still the best), but you've probably been doing this and yet remain overweight. And you're beginning to think it's all going nowhere. But, are you sure you've checked all possible causes, like your job? What's your present work?

Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash.

Your stressful job may be the culprit. Just remember the stress-cortisol-appetite connection. Overstress spikes your cortisol levels too high which wrecks you metabolism and tickles your appetite, making it crave for sweets, carbs and spicy food. Moreover, high cortisol also weakens your testosterone levels and lessens muscle mass. Less lean muscles mean less fat burning. So even with a strict diet, high cortisol levels can make you fat.

Says Healthline.Com, these are the bad effects of elevated cortisol levels:
When cortisol levels remain elevated, the following side effects may occur (7Trusted Source):
  • weight gain
  • high blood pressure
  • fatigue
  • changes in mood
  • irritability
  • flushed face
  • thinning skin
  • difficulty concentrating
  • insulin resistance

It even changes your entire personality. See? Overstress can wreck your present and even future, not just make you fat. And imagine what marriage and family life you can possibly have.

What You Can Do

Obviously, you need to relax and keep cool. Keeping so is difficult at the start but practice always makes perfect. I learned the discipline when I was in grade 7 during my martial arts training. I was trained to keep relaxed and cool even under duress, even while keeping alert and ready for quick action. At first it was not easy focusing on relaxation and combat readiness at the same time, but meditation helped a lot.

How to meditate? You don't need yoga lessons for this. Simply discipline yourself to keep still, relax and stare at a small distant object. My favorite then was a leaf or flower. Make sure no part of your body is tensed even in the slightest way, and your mind relaxed and free from any tension. Later, I included slow and deep breathing, aware of the fresh air that seeps into my lungs and entire body. This is one form of Zen meditation.

But if your job proves relaxation-proof, find another one. I don't care how good you make in your work, no sense staying in your job if it slowly kills you. Better yet, gradually find a way to invest online while working and get out when the investment finally takes off and makes you money passively. You become jobless big-time 😃.

Love of Money Makes You Fat, Too

Your drive to make more money can make you fat. All that stress makes you drink more sugary beverages. Note how a lot of offices or BPO companies have softdrink vendo machines or make sweet drinks available? Cream and sugar-rich coffee blends and milkteas. Or how coffee and tea shops and nice pastry stores abound (and release sweet scents of their breads) and are adjacent to our offices? Because they know how stress makes you crave for sweets. More profit for them.

I've tried eating in different office canteens and cafeterias when I was in advertising and couldn't help noticing how food selections were primarily oily, fatty and salty ones, carb-rich and almost always sweet (sugar makes food tastier and last longer). Stressed out employees grab them and eat heartily, often with 2 to 3 cups of rice. Then the tons of sugary beverages in the coolers plus sweet desserts.

Anyway, when you no longer work for money and have found a way to make money work for you, you have less stress and more time for your health and wellness needs. Less worries, less cortisol ups. No more hurrying to finish meals in less than 15 minutes because you have to be back to your work station to deal with irate clients. Quick meals like that add to gain weight, experts say. 


Just email me at and ask for the FREE E-book, "Your Power Within." (That power helps you lose weight).You get an email back in about 30 or so minutes with a download link to the e-book. With the e-book you get regular short email coaching on potentials, life, family, success and failures, and unique insights about Jesus Christ. By the way, being healthy and eating healthy foods entail expenses. To have extra cash for this, you may want to try investing money to sustain your health expenses. So, interested in seeing how money can be your slave and make it work for you? Click this for the free video on my JObless Big-Time blog!

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