Intermittent Fasting for Super Belly Fat Loss and Healing

Believe me, it really works! It works for me!

It's been one and a half months since I started my IF-OMAD (Intermittent Fasting-One Meal a Day) regimen to get rid of belly fat which built up some 3 years ago when I was a vegetarian. In my vegetarian days I thought it was a good idea to eat bananas and rice almost each meal, and eat lots of rice with my veggies to satiate my tummy.

Turned out a disaster. I developed belly fat in just 5 months, and I wondered then why the tummy bulge when vegetarianism was supposed to further trim me down and make me lose more weight. Before the belly fat, I was always in tiptop shape, being a regular martial arts buff (with weights, pushups and squats). Later, after researches, I found out how bananas (actually almost all fruits) and rice do build up belly fat, making you carbs adapted.

I Shouldn't be Unhealthy

More workouts didn't help a bit. The bulge was still there. I almost gave up and surrendered to the idea that I was getting old, and thus, the slow metabolism. But thank God HE reminded me of my former researches on how old age doesn't have anything to do with losing health or getting out of shape, like how neuroplasticity improves brain health as you age.

So I snapped out of the loser, defeatist mentality and re-assumed my belief in getting better as I age, something like what Moses had. This belly fat isn't supposed to be here and my illnesses (skin allergies, poor eyesight, fatigue, etc.) aren't supposed to be pestering me. Thank God I've always had normal BP and blood-sugar levels and do not take any maintenance meds, as my heart doc told me. But I wasn't content with just that because I knew my GOD was capable of more.

Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. And I firmly believe that includes health and wellness. I don't care what others say--it's God's plan that I enjoy good health. Precisely why he healed all the sick he came across with. That's a message coming loud and clear.

Belly Fat Loss

So one day, I believe the Lord led me to these medical and holistic doctors on YouTube who were espousing intermittent fasting and eating less times a day. At first I was repulsed by the idea because of my love for good food and first class rice. Later, I decided to just listen and keep an open mind. God made me like that--ever curious and searching for answers, even if they don't suit me.

Then I don't know what came over me, but I decided to try it. I started in December and you can just imagine the sufferings I had during Christmas and New Year--the cakes, ice creams, other desserts, native pastries (especially ube yam), tasty breads, fruit cake (my favorite), fruits, etc. I cheated a lot of times because I was still carbs adapted but finally went serious starting January. After a month and a half, I'm finally fat adapted. This means I no longer depend on carbs and sweets for energy. Instead, my body burns its fat deposits for energy.

My belly fats came off fast! And I mean really fast!


Intermittent fasting (IF) and one-meal-a-day (OMAD) regimens should come together for better results. Daily I eat only lunch so that I fast 21 hours a day, more or less. Sometimes I fast 18 hours, but mostly 21. At first it seemed impossible because formerly, when it was past 12 noon and I hadn't eaten lunch, I felt dizzy, cold, weak. jittery, nervous, sweating and my head ached. I thought I was dying. But I learned that all that was merely psychological. The body can be taught to adapt to healthy changes and meal schedules. 

So I tried cutting out carbs and sweets (1/4 cup of rice and zero sugar) and ate only 2 times a day. Then later, I felt more adventurous and ate 1/8 cup of rice, zero sugar and had  only1 and half meals a day. The first three days were horrible--blurred vision, blurred mind, head ache, dizziness, weakness, heart pounding. But the fourth day, I never felt better! Soon, my body turned lean (but mean) and my belly fat dramatically decreased. Today, it's almost flat. I just need to define my abs with workouts. And yes, I got rid of rice!

It really works for me!


I also saw how my allergies disappeared. No more skin allergies and rhinitis--no more terrible sneezing which pestered almost every early mornings and at night. Some people I read about were healed of various diseases, had normal blood-sugar levels and their high BP disappeared. Even autoimmune diseases were put under control due to the anti-inflammatory effect. Weak people regained their strength and began enjoying sharper minds. 


Intermittent fasting and OMAD "re-start" our metabolism and immune system, say health and medical experts, like how re-starting or refreshing our PCs makes them work better and gets rid of glitches and errors. IF and OMAD also cause detoxification and promote healthy immune system which triggers natural healing. 

It's vital to note that IF and OMAD should be complemented with the right workouts for optimum results, and give you a healthy slim-fit that burns fats and reveals muscles for an athletic look. I'm just in my one month plus duration and going to my second month, already I see amazing results. How much more if I reach my 6th month or first year! To me, this is going to be a lifestyle. I thank God for this. And it's cheap, especially because you lessen food intake. 

CAUTION: If you're going to try intermittent fasting and OMAD, please consult closely with your medical doctor and nutritionist.

More on IF and OMAD in the next article, especially why fruits are a no-no in weight loss and burning belly fat. Don't worry, we're still a no-diet slim blog--we don't believe you need to starve yourself with extreme diets just to lose weight--but we also cling to the fact that sugar and sweets are not healthy. Eat anything except foods that raise your insulin levels and promote insulin resistance.


Just email me at and ask for the FREE E-book, "Your Power Within." (That power helps you lose weight).You get an email back in about 30 or so minutes with a download link to the e-book. With the e-book you get regular short email coaching on potentials, life, family, success and failures, and unique insights about Jesus Christ. By the way, being healthy and eating healthy foods entail expenses. To have extra cash for this, you may want to try investing money to sustain your health expenses. So, interested in seeing how money can be your slave and make it work for you? Click this for the free video on my JObless Big-Time blog! See this free video, too. Click here!

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