You are What You Don't Eat

Eat less but eat more to lose weight.

You have to eat--a lot. You heard me right--eat a lot! And healthy eating doesn't require strict diets where you forfeit yourself of certain foods, especially delicious ones. I don't believe in that. I believe in eating everything your body needs--and sometimes, wants. You'd still lose weight with that and even get healthier. Eat more, get healthier!

Photo above by Jasmin Schreiber on Unsplash.

As long as what you eat is real food. Make sure you eat REAL food. Nothing artificial. Artificial "food" is not food. It's trash.

Don't eat anything trash (what they call junkfood)--like refined sugar and processed food, especially processed carbs. Not eating "fake" food is not strict dieting. It's common sense. So I don't have to explain this (common sense nga e, diba?). Eat a lot of real foods because they're all healthy. Everything God created as food is good and designed to keep you in good body shape. No belly fat or excess fat bulges. 

Eat Less, Eat More

But you need to eat less. Modern man has been eating a lot--and a lot of garbage food at that. I've heard of folks eating 5 to 7 times a day. There are also some who eat small meals each hour or so. That spikes up your blood-sugar and insulin levels, aside from giving your digestive system no rest, as well as overwork your liver and kidneys and other body organs. You have to eat only once a day. Eat a lot but eat less. Get it?

The advent of the fridge and groceries and markets makes it so easy for us to access food. Not to mention online food delivery right at your doorstep. So we can choose to eat anything, anytime. Plus, automated and remote-control appliances that limit our movement. There's even a self-stirring coffee mug today. Can you believe that? And this motorized trolley where you stand on and roam around places. You don't need to walk.

All these have given leeway to obesity. Super-easy food access plus almost zero physical activity. 

The Original Eating Lifestyle

But long ago, our ancestors didn't have these privileges. They had to wake up early to start hunting for food (without any breakfast), climb up hills or mountains, climb up trees, hike distances, run after preys and even wrestle with them. Then cooking their prey was another story altogether. They had to slaughter and chop them and later gather firewood and build fire (which takes hard effort) to roast their game with. They also had to walk a lot when gathering berries.

They probably ate lunch at 1 pm. Or 2 pm. Just one meal a day because providing food for that one meal took long hours and hard efforts. But they ate a lot in that one meal. I mean A LOT. The whole family of 4 or 5 probably consumed a whole wild boar or deer. Let's say they snacked on berries in the afternoon, or ate leftovers before night time, so give or take, they had two meals a day at most. 

My before and after.

But that probably seldom happened. It wasn't everyday that they had wild boar or deer. These animals are hard to catch. Fish and wild chickens probably consisted their regular meals. Perhaps on other days they had none. It was forced fasting. Nonetheless they had enough energy to move about and hunt and even fight intruders. Why? All of them were fat-adapted. They had no insulin resistance. Their energy came from the fat reserves in their bodies, not carbs--especially junk carbs. No pizzas, white bread, flour, ice cream, sodas or softdrinks, milk teas, etc. in those times. 

It's really stupid how almost everything you buy today has sugar. I always check out the contents and nutrition table in products and discover how all manufacturers put sugar into every food you buy. Even one roasted peanut brand has sugar! At one time I saw a Stevia brand with maltodextrin in it which is bad for the health because it's worse than refined sugar.

I mean, why put maltodextrin in stevia? Stevia is good but they have to wreck it. 

Anyway, experts say when insulin levels are up, no fat burning happens in the body. Instead, more fats are deposited and stored there, especially in the belly and around the liver and other organs. Insulin burns carbs and sugars, not fats. If we rely on insulin for burning, insulin just burns carbs. They never reach body fats. Thus, men and women of long ago were blessed. They were never exposed to delicious breads made from refined flours and refined sugar. No wonder Moses was still strong and able to climb up and down Mt. Sinai several times even at age 80 plus.

When they moved around, their bodies always burned fats. How about the breads and honey they ate? Breads then were made of organic wheat or barley (never chemically treated and non-GMO) and honey was 100 percent organic, derived from organic wild flowers untouched by chemicals. Today, bees have little other options but to deal with flowers sprayed with chemicals, or flowers growing in chemically affected soil. 

So what I do is get rid of anything sweet from my diet. Anyway, the body itself produces glucose when it needs it. It's called gluconeogenesis. It's the natural way the body makes "glucose (sugar) from its own breakdown products or from the breakdown products of lipids (fats) or proteins. Gluconeogenesis occurs mainly in cells of the liver or kidney," says Google. So you don't have to worry about not getting enough glucose, except when you have problems with hypoglycemia. Then you have to consult with your doctor. 


I can also imagine how people then had to be home by 4 pm before wild beasts were up to hunt as night time approached. They slept early to wake up early the next day to hunt. I believe that's how God designed life to be. We should eat once (or one-and-a-half times) a day--and eat a lot during that one meal--move a lot, get some HIIT going (High Intensity Interval Training) and stop eating sugars. Low carbs is good, by the way.

Eating once a day relaxes your digestion and other body systems. It also helps your body have more time repairing itself. Moreover, some experts say eating one meal a day greatly helps you relax even if you're "busy," be in a positive mood and have good character and personality development. Why? Well, good eating habits give you normal blood chemistry results--normal BP, normal blood-sugar, normal cholesterol and triglycerides, normal uric acid, etc. 

So don't eat often, but do it a lot. Get it?


Just email me at and ask for the FREE E-book, "Your Power Within." (That power helps you lose weight).You get an email back in about 30 or so minutes with a download link to the e-book. With the e-book you get regular short email coaching on potentials, life, family, success and failures, and unique insights about Jesus Christ. By the way, being healthy and eating healthy foods entail expenses. To have extra cash for this, you may want to try investing money to sustain your health expenses. So, interested in seeing how money can be your slave and make it work for you? Click this for the free video on my JObless Big-Time blog!

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