Why You Need Cheat Days

A lot of diet experts shun cheat days and give it a bad name. Just one little cheat day, they say, and all your weight loss efforts go down the drain. It's like getting a slap for one misplaced joke. Can cheat days really be that bad? Anyway, why do people who love to lose weight sometimes risk a cheat day?

Simple. For one reason. Variety. It's the spice of life, say sage folks. 

You have to try different things from time to time. It's human nature. If this were not so, we'd still be dragging heavy things to transport them without the use of wheels. Or, we'd still be boiling meat everyday without trying spices. Or perhaps, eat meat raw. But fact is, we tried to do things differently now and then to probably make things work better, or simply give way to our lazy preferences--or get rid of boredom. Instead of walking for miles, why not simply ride a horse? Or stay home. Things like that.

And why do we need to do that? We need to try other ways. Variety. And without variety (without spice), we'd be bored, and later stressed out. And stress can kill us eventually. So, we may say it's eventually for self preservation. Cheating now and then is for survival.

I don't mean bad cheating, mind you, but "cheating" to take a break from the usual. If I keep eating the same food or cook the same way, I'd soon suffer boredom and get so stressed by that. It's true for both healthy and unhealthy eating. We need to take a break from both and try another way. It's why after eating unhealthily for ages, healthy eating becomes something new, intriguing and exciting. The same with eating healthily for ages. Sometimes, you wonder about unhealthy food, even dream about it.

The same is true with schooling. Ever seen a guy always dead serious about attending school or studying? He thinks life is limited to that---school. Or books. And then he feels bored or stressed or anxious (in fact, it's among the causes of anxiety--being kept in a box). Later, he feels there's got to be more to life than going to school. He feels he's been missing out on something. Then, look at him when he begins to discover the real world. He'd begin to skip classes or leave his books awhile to see more of the world out there. 

Exactly what happened to me in high school. 😄

It's a life rule--"cheating" to deviate your focus for a while. To take a break from the routine, especially if it becomes tiring, draining and killing you softly and slowly. Of course, I'm not saying we need to try sin or evil now and then for a change, to get away from a drab righteous life. That's different, and I'm not referring to that one bit. I'm talking about trying sour fruit after years of sweet ones. Something like that. Then you discover how sour fruits are actually often healthier.

So with eating healthy foods a long time. You need to get away from all that once in a while and try something "fattening" or something wrecking your fat-adaptedness even for one meal. So I eat ice cream and cakes or a plateful of spaghetti one or two meals a week and then go back to zero-sugar and low carbs the next day. Anyway, I have lost a lot of weight and have reached my ideal weight and body shape. 

That makes it safe to cheat now and then---and keeps me sane.

Yup, sane.

Cruel rigidity and self punishment is the Mother of all insanity. You may attain goals with that but it wrecks your mind and character, especially how you treat or see people and their situations. I have seen it a lot of times. Rigidly disciplined people mostly look down on those who fail and treat them like they committed a mortal sin for failing. Very few are able to balance things well, like being rigid on themselves but easy and tolerant on others. 

And you know the powerful antidote against extremes? Cheat days.


Just email me at personaligyauto@gmail.com and ask for the FREE E-book, "Your Power Within." (That power helps you lose weight).You get an email back in about 30 or so minutes with a download link to the e-book. With the e-book you get regular short email coaching on potentials, life, family, success and failures, and unique insights about Jesus Christ. By the way, being healthy and eating healthy foods entail expenses. To have extra cash for this, you may want to try investing money to sustain your health expenses. So, interested in seeing how money can be your slave and make it work for you? Get this e-book. Click here. 

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