Zero-Rigid CS Keto

It's a different keto designed especially for you.

You can formulate your own keto meals as I'm doing, and it sure is a fun way of getting into shape. Yup, invent your own keto! You'd be free, healthy and fit. You'd enjoy every meal. You don't deprive yourself of any food selection or nutrient while staying fit. Body fats are burned. Tummies are flattened. Immune systems boosted. Life is good again. Nothing else is better. 

Photo by Yoav Aziz on Unsplash.

But first, you need to know what keto's for. It's for losing weight effectively, without the yo-yo effect. I don't think it's to punish and deprive yourself of the enjoyment of good food. We think losing weight means saying good bye to good, delicious foods, something like no pain, no gain. I never like the idea of tying up punishment with success. Hardship, maybe, but not punishment. 

Eased Up Keto

Well, yeah, I have seen keto diets rigged with severe restrictions that make eating boring (taking away life's excitement), but that's the way they want it. To each his own. But I can always take the good points, subtract the punishments, and add my own to come up with a better version--better to me, that is. Innovation is the Mother of all good inventions. 

I'll do things the way I see them giving me happiness.

So, after trying solid keto (plus intermittent fasting and OMAD) for some months, I decided it's now time to formulate my own. You have to learn and try the basics first before you can innovate. And anyway, I have attained my ideal body weight and shape. At 5 feet-6 inches tall, I'm now 150 plus pounds (from 169) and proud of my flat tummy (when it had an ugly bulge before). 

Here's my Zero-Rigid CS Keto

I sometimes refer to it as my NDS keto (No-Diet Slim Keto). Because I believe in no-diet slim, you can eat anything you want with this "keto"--but in right, common-sense proportions. Yup, all you need is common sense. Hence, Zero-Rigid CS (common sense) Keto. Get it? It's not Choy Sak. Well, I guess you could also say that. too 😁. Anyway, in this keto, you eat whole foods--all of them. 

This means no artificial or processed food. That's always a no-compromise basic. But outside of processed foods, you eat all you want--in healthy portions.

I would strongly suggest you try solid, rigid keto for about 2 to 3 months first, especially if you have stubborn belly fat (and fatty liver, they often go together). And control your natural body insulin. Use keto with intermittent fasting and OMAD, meaning, you eat only one meal a day, preferably lunch. I would also suggest on a low-carb, zero-sugar diet. That's for 2 to 3 months. But check with your medical doctor first.

After 3 months, you slowly switch to your own keto version. My version is to welcome complex carbs with enough protein, while alternating with OMAD and 2MAD (two meals a day). But never 3 meals a day. NEVER. And with minimal rice or starch. This calls for discipline and determination. If you don't want to waste your 3-month hardships with strict keto, then be smart with your zero-rigid keto. It's actually easy if you have common sense. 

And there's no yo-yo effect. 😍 My tummy remains flat and my weight pegged from 150 to 155 pounds no matter what I eat.

Complex Carbs?

Yup, stick to complex carbs. These are natural carbs derived from plants, like root crops (sweet potato is my favorite), squash, bananas, papaya, sayote, the like. Some rigid ketonians forbid veggie carbs, saying they give us lots of sugars (fructose and sucrose). True, but our bodies are designed to get their nutrients, especially micro-nutrients. Our bodies cannot survive healthily on fats and proteins alone. We need organic fruits and vegetables. Believe me. 

And God created edible plants for our bodies. Look it up in the bible. We cannot undo what God has designed to be good. Always opt for organic whenever possible, but then again, it's hard to find organic fruits and veggies. But that's no reason for skipping on them. Though a bit inorganic, I believe I still have to eat fruits and veggies in smart portions.

Simple carbs, on the other hand, are a big no-no. Anyway, I don't consider them as "food," especially not whole food. So stay away from pastries, white bread, refined sugar, the like. 

But I'm Not Strict

But again, I don't punish myself. I eat "garbage" food now and then, especially when certain situations leave me no choice. Like in most carenderias (street-corner food stores) where they're crazy about adding sugar into all foods. Or in fastfoods where you can be sure everything has sugar and a lot of unhealthy, fattening ingredients that accumulate in the belly. Anyway, I don't get to eat in these places everyday, so it's okay. And I'm in my ideal weight and shape now which I manage to maintain so easily with my common-sense keto version.

By the way, avoid regularly eating out. Restos and fastfoods most likely serve foods laden with fattening ingredients (especially sugar) that trigger insulin spikes. These spikes are what keep fats stored stubbornly in your belly.

But yeah, I eat cakes, pastries, ice cream, and all the mouthwatering, sweet desserts now and then (sometimes 3 to 4 times in a row), but I take care to limit my enjoyment. For instance, I eat a slice of cake and have no more in a meal. Yesterday I had a slice of ube halaya (umm, my favorite 😋), and the day before that, turon or fried banana rolls with cheese, langka and a whip of delicious sweet syrup. I had a half serving. 

But here's the thing. If I eat all that, I eat them at lunch time and skip dinner, which I often do. I also skip breakfast earlier in the day. And I don't eat all the dessert I want. I limit them. It's all discipline and common sense. Really nothing much to it. In everything, keep a smart balance. You know, I discovered a long time ago that the amount of quality time you spend with the LORD gives you common sense and powerful discipline--a smart balance--especially with eating and workouts. It comes naturally. No hard efforts.

The Spirit of the Lord urges you to keep healthy. Good health glorifies HIM, not sickness.

Why I'm NOT Strict

I'm not strict with anything. Strictness or rigidity never solves anything. Freedom does--smart freedom. Freedom in-line with God's Word. God is holy but he allows freewill. Freewill is NOT for doing as much stupid things as you like, but to explore countless possibilities with right things. So I love innovations. I love discovering more new things and departing from old ones, especially old things legislated by men. Their traditions.

I know this is already off-topic. But you see now why I came up with the zero-rigid keto idea?


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