Hooked on Two Cups of Rice per Meal?

I remember the times I was hooked on two cups of rice per meal, and yes, that was 3 meals a day. It was simply IMPOSSIBLE not to eat two cups of rice, and I was wondering where it would lead me. I was gaining extra weight fast. What do I do? I hopelessly asked myself.

And eating brown, black, blue, gold or unrefined rice won't help either. Rice is still rice and it's still carbs. Organic rice is good, but if you want to reduce weight and get rid of pot belly, the key is reduced carbs and rice intake. Eating porridge won't do, either, or corn or bread or what-have-you.

But I saw others guys having the same rounds of rice when I was in fast-food stores, yup even a lot of women. So I thought, it must be normal. I was comforted by the thought for a while, but then I noticed how they all had bulging tummies. Nothing right about bulging tummies as far as health is concerned. It can mean fatty liver or elevated insulin levels, either of which is bad news.

But I found hope, thank God. When you seek God's help and guidance, he'd open your eyes and give you enabling grace. It all had to do with 3 simple things--discipline, mind-over-body, and prayers. I was settled to eating 1 cup of rice per meal in no time. But I couldn't settle for that. Being a health buff and martial arts enthusiast, I knew better than be comfy with one cup.

Soon, I was down to less-than-one cup of rice, and much later, half cup. It felt weird eating only half cup of rice each meal, and I thought that was already "extreme." Wait till I discovered a much healthier and more radical way to be in tiptop health and shape. I started eating half cup of rice, ONCE A DAY. And I found that this is easily possible. How?

Well--discipline, mind-over-body, and prayers.

Click here for the simple workouts I do to keep trim and fit.


Do I have to explain what discipline is? We all know what it is (especially if you're overweight with a big tummy) but we hate the word. And we'd rather settle in the thought that we've tried decreasing rice intake but it just wasn't sustainable. We're too comfy with our comfort zones--until we get seriously sick. I've seen undisciplined folks forced into strict discipline with food (especially carbs) once they're seriously sick, like stage 3 or 4 diabetes. Moment-of-truth miracle---they suddenly become health-conscious. It's a miracle..

I call that reactive discipline, which makes everything hard and complicated. You won't take action until it's almost too late. I'd rather have pro-active discipline, taking action now while no signs of danger are visible. This means, gradually reducing your rice consumption now, especially if your doctor urges you to. 


This should go with discipline. Your mind knows the right thing and your body must follow suit. No ifs or buts. You're going to feel weak, dizzy and cold when you start reducing your carbs intake (especially when you lessen your rice), but that's normal. Your mind has to command your body to submit and your mind must never give in to your cravings. 

Interestingly, a lot of studies have shown that the mind and body can be trained to obey commands---especially, the body can be taught to do what you want, like be content with minimal food intake or stop cravings. It's exactly what I did and I won over my body. Mind-over-body is possible and powerful. How to do it?


In my case, it was through prayers. Believe me, talking heartily with God all the time changes everything. The bible says, "pray without ceasing," and that continuous intimate talks with God alters your mind and thinking that you begin to believe the impossible---because you soak in the realms of God, not anymore in the realms of the world. This empowers your mind not just to believe the impossible but to command the impossible to happen. This is when you command your body and make it submit.

Then you start to reduce your rice intake, reject refined sugar, and lose weight. I also found that with this mindset and discipline, I can workouts even with reduced food intake, and build muscles, even at 62. See?

After you have tamed your body and reached your ideal weight and lean muscularity, you can enjoy once more your no-diet slim and just eat anything---in the right proportions. 

You want to strengthen your mind and will power? 
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