Let Your Body Eat Your Body Fats

It's everybody's dream to have belly fats melted and gone forever without recurring--and with little to almost zero workouts. Thank God there's a natural way to get this done, if we let the natural processes of the body work freely. It's called autophagy. God put that in our body system to help us keep in shape.

Photo by Miriam Alonso: https://www.pexels.com.

But technology and modernization, used wrongly, messed all that up so now we get extra weight than we need and gather belly fat around the tummy. We eat a lot of junk food. Junk everyday--from breakfast to lunch to diner and in-between snacks. Not to mention the amount of hidden sugar in processed food, plus the sugar we add in them. Then we disrupt natural sleep. 

Then we wonder why we have belly fat that won't go away despite our rigid physical workouts.

So, why not try God-given autophagy? Here's how the Cleveland Clinic site puts it:
Autophagy allows your body to break down and reuse old cell parts so your cells can operate more efficiently. It's a natural cleaning out process that begins when your cells are stressed or deprived of nutrients. Researchers are studying autophagy's role in potentially preventing and fighting disease.

Moreover, Cleveland Clinic adds:

Each (body) cell contains multiple parts that keep it functioning. Over time, these parts can become defective or stop working. They become litter, or junk, inside an otherwise healthy cell.

Autophagy is your body’s cellular recycling system. It allows a cell to disassemble its junk parts and repurpose the salvageable bits and pieces into new, usable cell parts. A cell can discard the parts it doesn’t need.

Autophagy is also quality control for your cells. Too many junk components in a cell take up space and can slow or prevent a cell from functioning correctly. Autophagy remakes the clutter into the selected cell components you need, optimizing your cells’ performance.

Using my layman's terms, it is how your body recycles or "discards" (or "eats up") bad cells ("junk parts") to get them out of your system. Aside from "eating up" fat cells and burning them as fuel, your body also flushes out defective cells that can lead to serious illnesses. Thus, your body can eat your body fats and dysfunctional cells (like cancer cells) and flush them out.

It begins with intermittent fasting. In my case, I don't eat from 6pm to 11 am the next day. That's no food 17 hours a day. Then I have a 6 to 7-hour food window when I eat low carbs with extremely minimal sugar intake (often it's zero sugar). Usually, I allow less than 1 gram of sugar. This means, my intermittent fasting allows me to I eat enough lunch and some snacks in the afternoon. But that's it. It's fasting the rest of the day.

What do I usually eat? Natural nutritious food rich in fibers, protein and fats. Definitely NO PROCESSED FOOD.

When you starve your body of carbs and sugar, your metabolism goes crazy looking for other stuff to burn in your body and soon turns against your body fats. So with less carbs and sugar, and while working out or moving around, the minimal carbs you ate burn easily (the body always burns carbs first before it burns fats). 

After burning the few carbs, your metabolism goes after stored fats. This is why we eat less carbs, even zero carbs from time to time if you can, so your body can immediately go after the fats stubbornly clinging to organs, your belly, and elsewhere. If you keep eating carbs, your metabolism merely burns them all day long and never gets a chance to burn your body fats. Thus, no matter how hard you workout, your belly fat stays there.

Then Go Back to No-Diet Slim

Now that I have hit my ideal weight, I go easy on intermittent fasting. I just eat anything now. I add a little bit of carbs now and then, sometimes allow myself some sweet treats, sometimes eat two meals a day, but I make sure to intersperse this with one-meal-a-day intermittent fasting--or at least have it 2 times a week. Once you hit your goal, go back to no-diet slim. Don't get too slim or malnourished. But always workout. A lean muscular body regularly worked out automatically burns fats even while you sleep. Will talk about this later.

My wife lost 26 pounds in about 6 months, from 160 to 134 pounds recently.

I achieved athletic and lean muscularity plus strength, being able to do 50 push-ups in 3 sets, or 35 push-ups in 4 sets, weight training, jogging and walking with other leg workouts. That's besides my regular martial arts training. I can do all these energetically by GOD's grace at 62.

Staying away from carbs and sugars is a matter of discipline, the kind that needs strong backing from your power within. Yup, you have that power in you. To learn more about it, get my FREE e-book below.

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