Life After Intermittent Fasting and OMAD

After about 5 months of intermittent fasting and OMAD (which I did gradually at the onset), I lost weight and slimmed down steadily, like a gradual miracle. I mean, nothing else worked before. But I began looking alarmingly skinny and that gave me some concern. I wanted to get to my ideal weight, which is 160 pounds, not look malnourished. So I sought more medical health experts on the subject. And here's what I got.

It's wise to slowdown a bit after you reach your ideal weight (mine is 160 pounds) and start eating as usual, like 3 times a day on certain days. I did it 3 times a week--on the other two days I fasted intermittently and ate a meal once a day, meaning a lavish lunch with a snack in the afternoon. Much later, I fasted and OMADed once a week.

But even on these back-to-usual meals I ate less carbs and more fibers and protein. 

The result?

I started building up a lean, athletic body with enough muscle mass for my kind of sport activity, which is Filipino martial arts (though it's not really a sport). I enjoy a flat tummy which I more easily sculpt into slightly ripped abs. Just slightly, though, I hasten to reiterate. But it's a major improvement since prior to intermittent fasting and OMAD, I could not reduce my bulging, flabby tummy no matter what workout I did. I was getting hopeless, depressed and losing self confidence. 

I discovered how you can start hating yourself once you fail at things that really matter to you, which in my case was getting fit. Fitness, of course, is but a tiny speck in the vast world of what is called "self." There are other things as important (if not more) than physical fitness when talking of self improvement, but for some reason a flabby tummy made me feel like it was the end of my world. Nothing more to talk about.

But with the desperation and anxiety came the dogged stubbornness to look for a remedy, any remedy--because deep down you know God has installed a success mechanism somewhere deep in your personality system. All you have to do is push a button there and presto! At least, that was how I felt and made myself cope up with the hidden discouragement I had.

The mechanical button was the will to do OMAD.

I feel much better now with my body weight somewhere near the ideal and my flabby tummy almost gone and on it's way to being ripped. The best part is that, being done with too much flabbiness, I eat normally now and enjoy the food I want. My only problem is the occasional slight bloating in the afternoon that makes my tummy a bit protruded, but unlike before. All I need is to fix my tummy gas issue. And anyway, what matters most is my revived love for self, especially how my medium-size shirts fit perfectly on me. 

This is the wonder of it all. After getting my ideal weight plus keeping up with regular workouts, my body keeps fit and slim no matter if I eat three times a day and get a bit liberal with carbs and sweets. And that's not to mention afternoon snacks. The regular workouts keep the gains from intermittent fasting and OMAD intact despite my liberal eating. The metabolism burns constantly, even while I'm asleep. Yes, there's life after intermittent fasting and OMAD.

As fitness experts and science say, my body is on constant fat burning even during zero activity. I've heard this even from medical doctors who are in the know, who maintain that intermittent fasting with OMAD plus regular workouts eventually produce constant fat-burning effects.

There's life after suffering for 4 to 5 months. You can enjoy no-diet slim and just eat.

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