Health and Fitness: Taken for Granted Until A Serious Ailment Hits You

They just keep smoking cigarettes or eating fatty food or neglecting exercise or living a stressful life--until one day they feel something different and have a check up and the doctor says something is seriously wrong with them. Then they start taking their health and fitness seriously--but sadly, it'd be a bit late by then because the ailment has already taken some foothold.

So, you have maintenance medicine and a long list of dos and donts. And it's amazing how people only start getting serious with their health once they get to this point. You see them taking their medicine and watching what they eat, saying they're now "health conscious."

But some are hopelessly stubborn. Even after getting warnings from their doctors, they just live the same undisciplined lives. They even laugh at those who are health conscious, philosophizing that we're all going to die anyway, so why fuss on health? They feel smart saying that.

But health and fitness is more than just preventing ailments and maintenance medicines. It's first and foremost, loving God (because our bodies are His temple), then stewardship, then love for our families. Stewardship because we are entrusted our bodies, and the bible says "no one hates his own body, but he or she feeds and cares for it" [Eph.5.29]. And if we love our families we won't want them to be burdened with our unhealthy condition and its dire consequences.

There's more to health and fitness than meets the eye.

A really smart guy would do everything before the bad comes, and much more, before the worse comes. Most people understand this when it comes to money. They appreciate folks who earn money to meet future emergencies. But they cannot apply that to health and fitness. A lot of people think anything about health is just a waste of time or added expense. I see this when I sell my health supplements. Most people mock and throw all my health infos in the trash bin.

But they have time and money for their vices--just watch them smoke one stick of cigarette after another. And when they finally get the deadly "C" ailment, they look very pathetically repentant--especially when you see them thin and gradually being eaten by the disease.

It's wisdom to invest in health through healthy food, lifestyle, exercise and health supplements. If we can't get this basic thing right, how can we get the deeper things in life in a right way?

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