Can You Feed Your Body Cells Directly?

Imagine if you could feed your body cells and help it renew. Possible? In a way, it's what our digestive system does. It takes nutrients from food and break them down so they can be beneficial on the cellular level. That is, if what we eat has nutrients at all. [Picture above from Drew Hays@drew_hays].

If we eat nutritious food, our body processes it. The processing may take time. But failure in this can result to mitochondrial problems. This means the cells starve and begin to be deprived of energy for optimal function. Is this bad? You bet. It can sometimes be lethal. Imagine your cells lacking energy. Mitochondria are "powerhouses" of the cell responsible for taking nutrients and breaking them down to create energy molecules for the body cell. Some vital helps for cell health. Click here.

So now you understand why you feel what you feel when you skip breakfast. But eating wrong foods for breakfast--or any other meal--is as good as eating nothing if your body (particularly your cells) does not get the right nutrients it needs. And they should be all-natural and organic. How do you get what your body and cells need? Continue reading.

Mitochondrial Renewal

But worry not because God made "mitochondrial renewal" possible. That's renewed powerhouse for your cells. The trick is to take the right amount of natural micro-nutrients, minerals and antioxidants for cell support. That's what you need. Yup, no less than good amounts--dozens of vitamins, phytonutrients, and enzyme cofactors--to help fill nutritional gaps and provide whole-body nutritional support. The micronutrients are essential to support multiple metabolic functions throughout the body. Then you get renewed mitochondria.

Vitamins and other micro nutrients need mineral cofactors to work properly. Question is, where do you get all these healthy cell foods--plus the cofactors? I'm sure you have no time to prepare these things each day (or scour the earth to look for them), but neither can you just ignore your cell's need for the right food--they are important if you want to have good health at the cellular level. This is why there's CellSentials. Cellsentials and other powerful supplements. Click here.

It provides all-natural (non-synthetic) minerals and antioxidants, "nutrient blends that support your cells’ natural ability to protect and renew themselves," says USANA. USANA is among top world leaders in providing science-based health products that are safe and free of chemicals or synthetic ingredients. Another thing CellSentials do is provide well balanced levels of antioxidants and vitamins as well as a balanced range of easily absorbable minerals and trace minerals.

That's almost like feeding your cells directly, bypassing the long digestive process. You pop some CellSentials in the morning and then another round in the afternoon. As easy as that. Then your cell energy capacity is renewed. 

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