How Many Fish Per Day to Get Enough Omega-3?

Can you eat a whole salmon everyday?

Omega-3 fatty acid is ideal for weight loss, experts say. But how much do you need? How many fish do you have to eat? A lot. You need to eat a lot of fish daily to get the daily recommended amount, which varies, but which Healthline.Com puts to "a minimum of 250–500 mg combined EPA and DHA each day for healthy adults." [Picture above from Samuel C.@samsolutt, Unsplash].

How many fish is that? Well, with some fish you get more than enough per serving. It depends on the fish. Mackerel gives about 4,107 mg of omega-3 per serving. Salmon gives 4,023 mg per serving. Cod liver oil has 2,664 mg. Other good seafood sources are herring, oysters, anchovies and sardines. Sardines seem the most practical choice here.

Problem is, are you going to eat seafood everyday? Eat sardines daily? How about the mercury content you'd possibly get from that? Some fish can be contaminated with mercury. How about too much salt from canned sardines? Is there a good and simpler source that's safe from mercury? Good news is, there there are lots of Omega-3 supplements available in most local pharmacies or health stores today.

You badly need omega-3 fatty acids for optimal health, not just weight loss. It's also good for high blood pressure prevention. Here's what it's good for:
  • Supports good cardiovascular, immune, and joint health
  • Gives advanced and guaranteed levels of EPA and DHA—omega-3 fatty acids crucial for memory and learning
  • Important for healthy pregnancies, as well as healthy babies
  • Important in cellular processes critical for good health
Some supplements have added Vitamin D for the health of your heart, brain and eyes and more--like how omega-3 promotes balanced immune response--on the cellular level. Improves eye health, too.

Depression and anxiety? More people are afflicted by these two emotional illnesses due to the increased stress in our times. But omega-3 fatty acids will help do the trick. No wonder I feel good and happy after eating a dish of my favorite fish, maya-maya (local snapper). But it's difficult (not to mention ridiculous) to eat snapper each time you feel depressed or anxious--let alone cook it. Just take a supplement. My wife takes Mayoga.

However, eating fresh fish now and then is a good idea. I recommend fish caught in the wilds or from the open sea rather than those cultured in fishpens, especially those fed with artificial feeds. Fish and other animals need to eat food God designed for them, not man-formularized feeds. 

Finally, omega-3 is great help for kids with ADHD and folks who can't help but gain weight no matter how hard they try to lose it. Healthline.Com says kids "with ADHD have lower blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids than their healthy peers." Thus, taking omega-3 supplements can help reduce the symptoms, a study cited by Healthline said. The same site reports that the metabolic syndrome in overweight people can be helped a lot with regular supplementation of omega-3.

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