Something about Meat, Fats, Carbs and the Ketogenic Diet You Should Know

So now there's a new weight loss craze called the Keto Diet. You eat more fats and meat and go easy on carbs. That's supposed to reduce your weight fast. And sure enough, carbs are what make us fat and gain weight. With Keto or Ketogenic diets you force your body to burn fats because it finds no carbs to burn. So it turns on your fats instead.

Good idea. And delicious, too. Imagine eating more pork and beef and chicken with its skin.

But what about your carbs? Specifically, what about fibers? Fibers are carbs too and they're important for healthy digestion. And carbs are not all that bad. The present weight loss fad often gives carbs a bad image. I don't know. God gave us everything to benefit us if we use them wisely. I mean everything. Even sickness HE uses to build or develop our immune system with.

And gaining weight? Well, I'll put it this way--carbs are needed for healthy brain, kidney and heart functions. Plus the central nervous system--if you lack fibers in your diet you begin to have gut problems that affect the nervous system eventually. Keto diets may help you lose weight but eating less fibers can do more damage ultimately.

A study by Prof. Maciej Banach of the Medical University of Lodz, Poland discovered "links between low-carb diets and the risk of premature mortality, as well as mortality from specific chronic diseases," an article on MedicalNewsToday said. Among other things, the study revealed how "low carb consumers were 51 percent more likely to die from coronary heart disease, 50 percent more likely to die from cerebrovascular disease, and 35 percent more likely to die of cancer. The associations were strongest among older, non-obese people."


Again, I'm proven right here. JUST EAT. Strict diets just give you skin-deep benefits but may later prove more problematic. EAT ANYTHING, but do it in a natural balance, the kind that God designed for humans. I encourage natural health supplements (especially really quality ones) but eat more all-natural healthy food. Nothing beats natural. God created all food to benefit us if taken with wisdom, not obsession or gluttony.

Here's my rule on carbs: NO refined or white sugar and no processed food, like white or refined flour. All other natural carb sources eat in moderation. I go radically easy on cakes but I enjoy eating rootcrops like sweet potato, taro (gabi) and yam (ube). I love soft-boiled taro especially in sinigang. And there's a carb source that I go crazy for--bananas.

Again, I say---just eat.

Top image by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron @shootdelicious

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