Lose, Gain Weight

I started being vegetarian-pescatarian two years ago-this means I have been without meat for two years except eat some fish and seafood--and I lost a lot of weight. From almost 180 pounds I was down to 150 and maintained that weight. So go vegetarian-pescatarian if you want to lose weight.

But I became scared about how I looked. I looked skinny. You know the feeling when you go out there in a jungle of a city where bullies and crooks abound, and you're skinny? You don't look like you mean business when you're angry because you're skinny. I didn't like the feeling.

Anyway, because my vitals were good and I had a clean bill of health, I started eating to gain some weight back. I was careful not to overeat. I just had enough to put on some good weight. I didn't want my face looking old and thin and skull-like. I started eating more fish and some beef. Just small pieces of beef, especially goat meat. Well, I also began tasting pork now and then.

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Recently, I weighed myself and got 165. I have to get rid of the extra 5 pounds because I'm targeting 160 for my 5-foot-6-inch height--and because I'm a bit of a martial arts athletic. I got to have some muscle power behind my punches. And another thing, having enough bulk makes you scary enough to make street bullies think thrice before they'd want to pull one on you.

You understand, right?

Well, much later, I saw something intriguing that made me go back to my no-diet slim principle. It's good to be vegetarian now and then, or to eat more veggies and fruits, but fish and meat have to stay in your diet. Or at least, eat them now and then after your vegetarian sched. Just make sure they're organic and not processed.

Jesus ate beef. I'm sure he was, of all people, a health buff because godliness includes physical health. God said in the bible not to destroy the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the human body is that temple. So I'm pretty sure Jesus was a health buff. And he ate beef, especially during Passover meals, though I also do not buy that he was a meat lover. Because Proverbs 23.20 says "Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat." So Jesus must have ate just enough meat. With fish, he was a sure fish eater.

So, I'm back to that--no need for extreme diets. Just eat. Well, eat balanced, not really diet.

Image on top from Anupam Mahapatra @mister_a

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