Real Story How Overstress Makes You (So) Sick

Some experts say the number one cause of deadly diseases is overstress. And here's the story. Overstress--aside from making you eat more and gain extra unwanted weight--produces free radical cells in you. These are abnormal and damaging cells that destroy your healthy cells. The more you get overstressed the more free radicals are produced in your body. [Picture above from Anna Dziubinska@annadziubinska]

Now, imagine if the number of free radicals increase, destroying a lot of your normal cells, so that in the end, so few (if any) normal cells are left in your body? When damaged or abnormal cells group together they can form tumors or result to deadly illnesses. This plus the fact that you're gaining weight due to overstress.

LiveScience.Com has this to say about stress:
"Stress causes deterioration in everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to illnesses ranging from the common cold to cancer."
So don't stress yourself too much. Relax. Avoid blasts of anger and other negative emotions. Enjoy life. Be aware that free radicals are produced in you each time you lose self-control. If it's not worth your time and energy, forget about it. No wonder people who live easy lives are often healthier. The bible says, if we have food and clothing, we are content.

Overstress, as I've mentioned, also makes you eat more. In 2016, Health.ClevelandClicnic.Org came out with an article with this finding: "If you're faced with a lot of stress, it can take hold of your eating habits. There is a definite connection between stress and our appetite. ... Cortisol can make you crave sugary, salty and fatty foods, because your brain thinks it needs fuel to fight whatever threat is causing the stress."

Yup, No Diet Slim Plus says you just have to eat. No diets. But you have to eat just enough of everything. Diets have to do with certain restrictions. Eating a lot of a specific food stuff is also a form of "diet." Thus, when you're overstressed, you eat lots of sweets and carbs, or spicy food. Then you get fat. Then you get sickly.

An overstress-free life helps a lot in fostering discipline. You think right and do the right things. Overstress often makes you unreasonable. You tend to over do things, like over work yourself and tire yourself too much (even punish yourself). No wonder people who live this way are unhappy and sickly. How do we remedy this? Supplementation is a good suggestion. Best supplements found in video below.

Checkout some powerful natural supplements. Click here. Now, back to free-radical damage. Sometimes we cannot avoid being overstressed. That's the problem with urban living. I'm an advocate of living a stress-free life, but many times I find myself overstressed, nonetheless. So what do we do? The quickest way out of this (and safest way, too) is to take natural health supplements.

A more roundabout way (though also effective) is workout regularly, which I also do. I eat well and workout. I eat enough of this and that and those (though I have an inkling to eat more fruits and vegetables) and feel so good about it all. It's a good thing to freely eat everything.

No free radicals, at least not at the moment.

But there are chances you may be overstressed afterward by something pissing-off (and often not realize it). You never know, especially in your unguarded moments. Like when an important meeting is about to start and you're still looking for your stupid lost shoe. It happens. Here's when natural health supplements come in handy.

And you can be sure with USANA products. Each product is carefully tested by medical experts and made sure to be clean, organic (no chemicals or anything synthetic) and safe.

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