Turmeric Tea to Reduce Belly Fat

Want a trim stomach by just enjoying tea? With a bonus of reducing inflammation due to obesity? Then you need not go far. Just prepare a nice cup of warm tea with the turmeric root (luyang dilaw) you have in your kitchen. It's a good belly fat reducer. [Photo above from Erfan Amiri@erfanamiri, Unsplash].

Yup, obesity can lead to inflammation which can in turn lead to deadly diseases like cardiovascular problems and diabetes. So it's high time to start taking natural anti-inflammatory remedies.

Curcumin is the active antioxidant in turmeric that does a lot of wonders, foremost of which is prevent high blood pressure and diabetes. But it also works wonders for your fat tissue. The sites TimesOfIndia.IndiaTimes.Com and NDTC.Com came out with an article citing a study done at the Tufts University in 2009 on turmeric that explained how curcumin suppressed fat tissue growth.

So, instead of accumulating fat in your belly, turmeric helps prevent this. In addition, turmeric increases bile production in the stomach to help "melt" fat and also hasten or increase metabolism. We all know that active metabolism quickly burns fat in the body and prevents obesity. Imagine what a cup of turmeric daily would do as you also workout to reduce fat and add protein to your diet to increase metabolism?

A cup of turmeric tea a day is the recommended dosage (but ask your doctor first if you're taking maintenance medicine or if you're pregnant). An effective way of making tea with it is to scrape turmeric root with a knife or peeler and then pour boiling water on the scrape in a cup. You may also add ginger scrapes, another beneficial root for weight loss and inflammation, among other things.

But this takes patience. Don't drink tons of turmeric tea to quickly get rid of your belly fat. Too much of everything is bad. A cup a day is enough to see results after a few weeks or months. When it's a natural remedy it takes time compared to synthetic remedies which often yield quick results but entail side effects.

Again, no need for special diets to lose weight. Just eat balanced and enjoy natural remedies to lose weight, like taking turmeric tea.

All-natural instant meal
replacement shake.
But some people just lack enough time to prepare food or even eat well--much less prepare turmeric tea. So they often grab a burger and fries or other quick fixes that give them nothing but fats and bad cholesterol. Meal replacement shakes are a good alternative during these times to get complete nutrition and also lose weight.

With meal replacements, you don't really go on a strict diet. You enjoy a delicious complete meal, in fact. It's like you don't skip or pass on any food because you get complete nutrition and lose weight.

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